Thursday, September 17, 2009

LaZorra and Her Nose. And Stuff.

* LaZorra is glad she finished her millk some time ago.
Sam: LaZ: And your carrots.
Maryam: LOL
ThePhan: Milk and carrots! Healthy Santa's choice.
goldfishy: I always thought the carrots were for the reindeer
LaZorra: TP: LOL
goldfishy: I had no idea Santa was mean enough to eat them too
LaZorra: Reindeer stoo!
LaZorra: Oh lord.
LaZorra: I did not just type that.
Maryam: Ok, that totally looks like "reindeer stool".
Maryam: Gross.
LaZorra: ewwwwwww
* ThePhan loses it.
Sentynel: You lot are utterly nuts. =D
ThePhan: I like the idea of LaZorra just yelling "REINDEER STOOL" in the middle of conversation.
Sam: BlitzBot: 965. Things LaZorra has fired out of her nose.
ThePhan: carrots
Sam: milk
LaZorra: small children
ThePhan: ducks
ThePhan: very small rocks
Sam: reindeer stool
goldfishy: rockets
TalkingDog: presidents
Sam: crowbars
ThePhan: reindeer stoo
goldfishy: knitting needles
* TalkingDog thinks he's thinking of a Pete & Pete episode.
Sam: Aaron
LaZorra: html
* TalkingDog isn't sure.
goldfishy: puppies
Sam: Sam Goo
goldfishy: spells
LaZorra: snot
Sentynel: her nose O.O
Sam: cows
goldfishy: sheeps
LaZorra: relactating things
goldfishy: brains
Maryam: peppermint
ThePhan: Cody
TalkingDog: Your poor nose.
Maryam: habanero throat spray
LaZorra: habanero juice
Sam: red bean paste buns
ThePhan: These are ALL correct answers so far.
goldfishy: goldfishes
* LaZorra is totally losing it.
Sam: Jay
ThePhan: study guys
LaZorra: No WONDER my nose used to bleed a lot!
Sam: big logs
* goldfishy has no idea what is going on and is just yelling things
Sentynel: blood!
LaZorra: squaws
Sam: hot porkers
goldfishy: butterflies
LaZorra: Rabbitlord
LaZorra: goldfishy: THOSE TICKLE
ThePhan: She fires lasers out of other people's noses!
goldfishy: but they look pretty!
Sam: Cheyenne Kimball
LaZorra: ThePhan: She fires lasers out of other people's noses! /goldfishy: but they look pretty!\
* LaZorra puts on a light show.
ThePhan: LOL
goldfishy: Hehehe they could be pretty coloured lasers!
Maryam: Hey, warn us when you're going to do that!
ThePhan: That *would* be easier to do if you had multiple noses to workw ith.
Sentynel: That sounds almost like a Neuromancer reference..
Sam: gopher-headed rat heads
Maryam: It's disconcerting to suddenly have your nose start firing lasers.
LaZorra: brains
ThePhan: "All right, everyone, look at the ceiling. Now, section 2, move your heads in a circle..."
LaZorra: that have been previously licked
* goldfishy thinks of Mysterons
LaZorra: MegaHal
LaZorra: TP: LOL LOL
TalkingDog: Are we forgetting ginger ale?
LaZorra: ...I hope.
Sam: I don't think Stephen ever did that. So you still might be Stephen.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Maryam: Stephen snorted ginger ale too?
ThePhan: Stephen would have moved his head in a circle to make a laser show with his nose.
goldfishy: noodles? i head of someone doing that one time *shudder*
ThePhan: If given the opportunity.
TalkingDog: Dave would have turned his head in tight circles like an owl.
LaZorra: Wasn't Stephen part of the ginngenger ale archive?
TalkingDog: You could use him like one of those leveling laser thingies.
LaZorra: TD/TP: can't...breathe...
* TalkingDog HUGS LaZorra!
LaZorra: "ThePhan: Stephen would have moved his head in a circle to make a laser show with his nose. " <--please please please Topicbot
ThePhan: Yeah, I can't imagine I'll be repeating that one any time soon.
Sam: hehehe. Okay.

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