Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ChaCha Questions

ThePhan: ChaCha question: "What is the average consumption per person in the U.S.A in the year 1977?"
ThePhan: Average consumption of...?
ThePhan: Everything?
TalkingDog: Gravel.
Sam: Diagnoses of consumption.
Ticia: Spiders
ThePhan: "what dye can you use to make KoolAid last a day"
TalkingDog: Wha?
ThePhan: If you put dye in your Kool-Aid it lasts longer?
ThePhan: Does Kool-Aid go *bad*?
TalkingDog: I think so, but it's never lasted long enough for it to happen here.
Sam: LOL!
Sam: Pretty sure KoolAid lasts a day and longer on its own.
ThePhan: Ohhh, I think they're asking about mixing dye with Kool-Aid to dye your hair.
ThePhan: To which the answer is pretty much, "Use whatever dye you want. How long it lasts depends on the condition of your hair."
Sam: TP: Respond by saying who's playing Gavroche in the new Les Mis.
ThePhan: LOL LOL

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cheeseburger Salad

Dave: Cheesburger salad is pretty good.
Nyperold: Is that just the normal ingredients of a cheeseburger, without the bun?
Dave: It's just a cheeseburger, on a bed of lettuce.
Goosey: Sounds delicious.
Dave: I was making burgers for dinner, and thought I ought to have some veggies too. So I threw some lettuce on the plate and called that good.
Sam: Leen is cracking up. She says, "That's such a Dave thing to do."

Getting Jokes

Dave: One time I told a friend of mine that Department of Redundancy Department joke, and he didn't laugh. So hey, not the best joke, oh well.
Dave: Almost a year later he hears the same joke from a teacher and comes and tells it to me. I'm like "Yeah, that's a good one... But didn't I tell you that joke awhile ago?"
Dave: He was like "Oh, it's only funny if you know what 'redundancy' means!"
Dave: ...
ThePhan: Heh.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: There was a girl I traveled with who... erm... was not the brightest. So I frequently made jokes or snarky comments that she just didn't get.
Goosey: hahaha
ThePhan: One day I was goofing off with a group of girls at a camp, and she came up to me and said, "Whoa! Hannah! I didn't know you were funny!"
ThePhan: My friend Jessica, whose sense of humor matches mine very closely, responded, "Actually, about 90% of what she says is funny. You just have to know what she's talking about."
ThePhan: ...Which could have offended her if she had understood what Jessica was implying with that.
ThePhan: But she didn't. So it didn't.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Dave: If you liked that joke BEFORE I knew what it meant, you'll LOVE it now that I do!!
* Sam only figures 80% of what Hannah says is funny.
* Sam suddenly fears what that says about him. 8-o
Goosey: lol
* Sam writes a script to aggregate all of ThePhan's non-funny lines and furiously tries to decipher the humor in half of them.
Goosey: hahaha
Dave: Sam: I don't know about you, but I laugh hysterically every time she says anything.
Sam: Oh no!!!
ThePhan: Well, I certainly wouldn't have guessed 90% either, which may mean I don't get my own jokes.
ThePhan: My humor is too intellectual for me.
* Sam points at ThePhan and laughs.
Goosey: LOL
Dave: It's only funny if you understand what "intellectual" means!
Sam: NOW I get it!
Ticia: Did I tell you guys that Don bought squaw bread the other day and I laughed?
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Dave: I don't get it.
Sam: You have to know what "day" means.
* Randy rocks
* goldfishy Spocks
* Maryam locks (and loads)
* Goosey flocks
* Randy Wakka Flokka Flames
* ThePhan mocks. Everyone.
Dave: Sam: I thought it was funnier than you did, because I understand words.

Clueless Noob

LaZorra: oh look it is a sam hi sam hi hi hi sam hi
LaZorra: sam hi
TalkingDog: hi
TalkingDog: ...
LaZorra: hi talkingdog are you a dog hi dog
TalkingDog: hi
Randy: hi
LaZorra: hi
Randy: dog?
* TalkingDog doesn't even remember which clueless noob is he parodying.
LaZorra: TD: LOL, you rang *very* faint bells for me, but I couldn't remember either.
TalkingDog: All I really remember now is Sam saying something like "I believe we've successfully navigated the greeting portion of this conversation," followed by the other person saying "hi" again.
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: LOL

50 Hearts

[RinkChat] User Goosey rolls 1d6: 5 = 5
* Randy gives Goosey 5 @-`-,--`,--`-,----
Goosey: Yay!
[RinkChat] User Maryam rolls 50d1: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 50
Goosey: LOL
Randy: uh oh
Randy: hehe
* Randy gives Maryam 50 ♥
Maryam: hehehe
Randy: In Zelda, that would make you INVINCIBLE
Maryam: False. You can only get twenty hearts total in Zelda games.


Ticia: So, my kids watched Jaws the other day. Joseph just told me "I'm never going swimming at the beach." and when I asked him why he simply stated "Sharks."
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: I said "We shouldn't have let you watch Jaws, huh?"
Ticia: He said "No, I should have watched it. Because if I didn't watch it, then I would have swam at the beach and died!"

Fried Mouse

ThePhan: My mom posted on FB: "OK, now I get to curl E's hair. She won't do it because she found that a mouse had died on it!!! EWWWW! But J disposed of the stiff rodent and is washing off the cord. There is always adventure at our house!!"
Maryam: A mouse died on her hair??
ThePhan: I'm pretty sure she means a mouse died on the curling iron, but it definitely indicates a mouse died on her hair.
Goosey: LOL EW
ThePhan: I'm also disturbed by the idea that she "found out" - like it had been true for a while and she just didn't know.
Maryam: I have no idea what to do for dinner today.
TalkingDog: Fried mouse.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A LaZorra Moment

ThePhan: So I jumped in on somebody else's conversation on Facebook to offer my opinion on something, haha, and got this response from someone else who was not involved in the conversation: "I like it how Hannah always has something long and interesting to say in almost all her posts =) It makes life exciting."
ThePhan: I thiiink that's OK, but now I feel all self-conscious about it.
Sentynel: Phan: You should post something like and interesting about it.
* ThePhan will post something like.
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: *long
Sentynel: I had a LaZorra moment there. I kept rereading Phan's comment trying to work out why it didn't make any sense.
Sentynel: Then I realised she was mocking my typo.