Saturday, October 20, 2012

Working From Home

* ThePhan is running Bad Translator on Disney lyrics for a blog post. Can you all identify this song, translated back and forth into multiple languages? "Hugh, Hugh, we're starting to work from home."
Maryam: Uhh.
* TalkingDog knows.
Sam: Heigh ho, heigh ho.
Sam: Took me a minute.
ThePhan: Correct.
Sentynel: LOL
Sentynel: Seems like miners working from home might be a bad idea.
TalkingDog: That means they've installed Minecraft.
Randy: nice!
Sentynel: LOL!
ThePhan: LOL


* Sam is working on drawing up SinbadBlitzBot captions.
Sam: Er, SinbadCaptionBot.
Sam: You know, the one with the captions.
ThePhan: There should be a Sinbad version of EVERY SINGLE BOT.
ThePhan: I don't really know what to do when we get to things like SinbadBibleBot, but...
Maryam: That's the next mini-UBT idea. Sinbad versions of every bot, playing all at once.
Randy: LOL
Randy: Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepard, I shall not want. HA!
TalkingDog: In the beginning, there was nobody here. In the beginning, there was nobody here.
Maryam: LOL!


Sam has entered.
Randy: SAM!
TalkingDog: sam you are sam
Sam: no im not stop calling menames
TalkingDog: you are also gertrude and chet
Goosey: lol
Sam: Shut up, TALKINGDOG.
Sam: Or should I say...TIM.
TalkingDog: aaaaaaaah
Maryam: There are some who call him Tim.
TalkingDog: You know you're in trouble when they use your full name.
ThePhan: TD: Your full name is Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim?
Randy: LOL
TalkingDog: Yes.

Neil Gaiman's Hat

Sentynel: From Twitter: Neil Gaiman posts the following: "Just wrote HAT on my hand in a pathetic attempt to remember that I had a hat when I got on this aircraft, when I get off in 160 minutes..."
Sentynel: Somebody replies: "@neilhimself Not as pathetic as time I wrote someone's name on my hand to remember it &forgot to wash it off before arriving at our 1st date"
Sentynel: AWKWARD.
Maryam: In the later-written introductions to Good Omens, Neil Gaiman mentions how he tried to become a hat person but kept forgetting it everywhere and eventually became a leather jacket person.
Maryam: Instead, that is.
TalkingDog: It would be funny if he just kept buying new hats until they were everywhere, and he could just pick up any hat he found and wear it and be sure it's his.
ThePhan: He could wear his leather jacket as a hat.
ThePhan: Tie the sleeves under his chin like a bonnet.
ThePhan: That is all kinds of trendy.
TalkingDog: I approve of that idea.
Maryam: If Neil Gaiman did it, it totally would be trendy.
ThePhan: I have a leather jacket. I could start doing it. I could do it, but position the jacket so it falls in front of my face instead of behind it, and just tell people I'm Neil Gaiman. They'd never know the difference and the trend would take off.

Crazy Person Encounter

* ThePhan just had another crazy person encounter.
Ticia: Yay, story!
ThePhan: It's on FB, but I shall paste it here for people who do not have FB:
ThePhan: As soon as I plugged in and opened my laptop at the library, the old man near me pointed at it and asked, "What's that?"
ThePhan: Me: "You mean my computer?"
ThePhan: Him: "Oh, it's a computer? It's a... toaster?"
ThePhan: Me: "What?"
Ticia: ...
ThePhan: Him: "The name on the back."
ThePhan: Me: "Oh. It's a Toshiba. It's a good computer."
ThePhan: Him: "Oh, Toshiba. Toshiiiiiiiba. Tooooshiiiiiibaaaa."
ThePhan: He chanted "Toshiba" for another 30 seconds or so, then got up and left.
Ticia: LOL
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Phan: The Crazy Person Society has seen your Facebook posts about encountering their members, and is doing its best to send more your way, since you appreciate them so much.