Thursday, July 29, 2010


Maryam: I once heard a talk given by a guy who said "omnious". After seeing the general confusion of the audience, he reacted with indignation, saying, "You don't know what 'omnious' means??"
Maryam: As far as I could tell, he meant "ominous".
Goosey: LOL
wintermute: "Omnious" = similar to everything.
ThePhan: It always makes me a little crazy when people pronounced "mischievous" with an extra E sound in it. Where does that COME from? Is it from an old school spelling that's trickled down?
Sentynel: Phan: I believe it comes from misspelling "mischievous" as "mischevious".
Goosey: Phan: Mischievious... huh. I guess you're right. That i doesn't go in there, does it?
Sentynel: By analogy to various other adjectives ending in -ious.
ThePhan: "A pronunciation \mis -&#712 ; ch& #275;-v& #275;-& #601;s\ and a consequent spelling mischievious are of long standing: evidence for the spelling goes back to the 16th century. Our pronunciation files contain modern attestations ranging from dialect speakers to Herbert Hoover. But both the pronunciation and the spelling are still considered nonstandard."
ThePhan: Ooer, that didn't copy well. Heh. But that's the mis-chee-vee-ous pronunciation.
: That's a hell of a pronunciation.
Sam: Now I know why people always get confused when I say something like, "Yes, but I do have a bit of a misandhash seven twelve champersand number two seventy-five, vand octothorpe two seventy five again, and number 601s streak in me."

The string of letters I posted to RinkWorks didn't have all those spaces in it - I actually had to put those back in when I pasted it here because it copied over correctly when I put it in the post, making Sam's joke very confusing. Heh.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


geneva: congrats Randy welcome, also, welcome to ThePan
geneva: oops
geneva: *ThePhan
Randy: PAN
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: What? I left?
ThePhan: Maybe I was too upset at being called ThePan.
ThePhan: Heh.
* ThePhan stomps out of chat for a split second again to prove how upsetting she finds this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Finding TD

Sentynel: ARGH WHAT
Sentynel: My code is mysteriously completely unable to find tds.
* TalkingDog is right here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Indiana Jones and the Dream House

wintermute: Mr Blandings Builds his Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and The Dream House
wintermute: One of those sounds more interesting than the other.
iwpg: wm: well, combining the dream house with the leopard print bikini...

(I sadly missed archiving this - an earlier movie scrambled name was "Indiana Jones and the Leopard Print Bikini.")

wintermute: iwpg: Indiana Jones is Ken?
iwpg: That would be the less scary intepretation.