Tuesday, November 9, 2010

120 Texts

Sam: TP: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11720546 "Teenagers sending 120 text messages a day are more likely to drink, smoke and have sex, claims a US doctor."
Sam: TP: If you want to party with us, feel free to send 120 messages and wait for the vices to kick in.
ThePhan: Whoo!
Sam: On the other hand, if you want to quit smoking or something, doctors recommend capping your text output at 119 per day.
Sam: Actually, it doesn't say if you're also safe if you go over 120.
ThePhan: Well, as a teenager, if you aren't sending 120 texts a day, you don't have friends to drink, smoke, or have sex *with*.
Sam: "Studies show that people who go out on dates are more likely to talk to members of the opposite sex."
Goosey: TP: LOL
Goosey: Sam: LOL LOL!
ThePhan: Sam: LOL
Goosey: "Unless they are in San Francisco"
ThePhan: I've only sent 12 texts today. Does this mean I'm a goody-two-shoes?
Goosey: I haven't sent any. I must be a freaking saint.
goldfishy: I have sent one - I'm just boring
goldfishy: Certainly not saintly
ThePhan: And what about sending the same text to different people?
ThePhan: Because in that case I might have sent 17. I sent out a whiny text early this morning :-)
Sam: TP: That probably means that you'll do a *little* bit of drinking or smoking or sex tonight. Like, maybe you'll get a cold and take some Nyquil. Or maybe you'll be exiting a public facility and catch a whiff from some jerklump who's smoking immediately outside the door, or possibly a strange guy will trip over something and do a faceplant into your ankle.
goldfishy: Never heard of an ankle fetish before
Nyperold: I'm sure it exists.
goldfishy: Wouldn't surprise me
Sam: Hey, if she wants more than an accidental ankle nuzzle, she's gonna have to send more texts.

(Interspersed throughout this conversation, I was talking with Goosey about some stuff that had not gone very well that day. Her next comment is a response to that.)

Goosey: TP: Awwww\
* Goosey HUGS ThePhan!
ThePhan: A faceplant into my ankle is very possible, we're rehearsing dancing for the Christmas show tonight.
Sam: There, see?
Goosey: /topic Accidental Ankle Nuzzle
* ThePhan HUGS Goosey!
ThePhan: Sam: Oh, so my hug from Goosey was my little bit of sex?
goldfishy: Hey get a room of your own!
Goosey: TP: O_O
* Sentynel fights urge to wolf whistle
ThePhan: But it couldn't have been. Because she's sent out no texts.
Goosey: TP: Exactly.
ThePhan: ...That rhymed and would be the worst song ever.
ThePhan: "My hug from Goosey was my little bit of sex / But it couldn't be because she sent no texts!"
* ThePhan is rapping that in her bedroomm.
Goosey: TP: If you don't quote this on your blog, I will have to be disappointed.
goldfishy: Phan just don't hug Sam - he's sent the whole 120
ThePhan: Goosey: It's definitely going up there.
Goosey: fishy: O_O LOL
Sam: Now, for just 20 more texts, you can have someone accidentally back into you in the check-out line at Walmart.
Goosey: LOL
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Accidental Ankle Nuzzle' by Sam.