Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sea World

Maryam: I haven't been to Sea World since I was a kid. I have no idea what's there anymore. Except aquatic life.
Maryam: Hopefully they still have aquatic life, anyway. Otherwise the name would just be silly.

Surprise visit

ThePhan: LZ: So I was trying to send a text to my NLDC friend who's in my phone under the name "Lococo" (her last name) but nearly sent it to you.
ThePhan: "LaZorra" and "Lococo" are right next to each other and look somewhat similar.
ThePhan: You would have gotten this message: "You will be at my house even SOONER! You will be here this WEEK! :-)"
ThePhan: Which would be a little startling if you weren't expecting it.

Sinbad metaphors

wintermute: Jaffar is a metaphor for ThePhan.
wintermute: Sinbad is Darien.
Sam: Can't be. No vest.
ThePhan: I'm Jaffar?
wintermute: Alina is Leen (even the names are the same!) and Ali is Sam.
* ThePhan is not quite so physically... expressive.
wintermute: Phan: Only metaphorically.
* Sam is Sambad.
wintermute: The Calif is LaZorra.
ThePhan: And Poochie?
wintermute: Liface.
* TalkingDog figured Calif was Califace.
ThePhan: The name "Poochie" would seem to indicate he's TalkingDog, perhaps.
ThePhan: Although the size is a little off.
TalkingDog: Hehe.
Sam: Metaphorically, Poochie is big.
Sam: Dave is the Oracle. Millions journey to seek his wisdom.
ThePhan: Oooh, who gets to be Soukra?
ThePhan: And constantly betray my metaphorical self?
Sam: I'm still not eager to get to the part where I have to spend a long time examining Soukra frame-by-frame.
ThePhan: Heh.
wintermute: Stephen is Soukra/
wintermute: Because Sam also does not want to examine Stephen frame-by-frame.