Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Samantha's Job Application

Sam: So, I have a job offer that I'm going to accept tomorrow.
Sam: Unfortunately, it's not at this company: which is sort of a girly version of Cafepress where you can design your own clothes and order them.
Sam: Doesn't that web site scream SAM?
Sam: In retrospect, I should have put my extensive dollz experience on my resume before applying.
Randy: LOL LOL
Sam: I applied there, but they never got back to me.
goldfishy: thatz coz u totally seemd lik a boi
Sam: Rats.
Sam: I should have had Samantha apply on my behalf.
goldfishy: u shud hav usd ur full name Samatha
Randy: goldy wins!
Sam: "WORK EXPERIENCE - I have extensive experience doing a man's job but as a woman, which is what I am. EDUCATION - Master's degree at the University of New Hampshire, where I resided in an all-girls dorm, on account of that's what my gender is."
goldfishy: You need more hearts in there
Sam: ♥♥♥♥
goldfishy: Oh and add pillow fights to your hobbies section thing
goldfishy: Interests
Sam: OUTSIDE INTERESTS - Pillow fights, makeup, never leaving home without a hairbrush, wearing bras, baking cookies in an empowered kind of way.

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