Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Sam Reaction

(Goosey had sent me and LZ video messages of her saying "cupcake" in an accent and wiggling her eyebrows, as per the Eyebrow Party chat. When she visited Ticia, she sent us another one of both her and Ticia doing the same thing, but with actual cupcakes.)

Ticia: Goosey is at my house, and we have had cupcakes...
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: Yes. Yes you have.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: That was the best video message ever.
ThePhan: I was like, "Goosey already sent me an eyebrow cupcake video. I don't need anoth--- OH HEY IT'S TICIA!"
Ticia: :-D
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: I had the SAM REACTION.
LaZorra: That is, I wanted to put glitter and fairy wings on both of you.
Sentynel: The SAM REACTION.
Sentynel: LOL
ThePhan: lol
ThePhan: Er, that was supposed to be more enthusiastic.
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: ha
Ticia: Goosey and I are both sitting here laughing at you.
Ticia: I mean, with you!
LaZorra: :-p
LaZorra: That is a very Sam reaction to have, Ticia.

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