Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Friends Describe Me As...

LZ had shared an article about creating the ultimate online dating profile. The phrase "My friends describe me as..." was listed as a good way to frame your characteristics, and we were musing on how that was interesting.

Goosey: So, my friends, how WOULD you describe me? ;)
LaZorra: Cupcake master extraordinare
Goosey: lol
LaZorra: Generous and a total sweetheart with a great sense of humor.
Goosey: awww :D
* Goosey takes notes
* LaZorra thinks
LaZorra: Well-grounded, but with lots of flair
Goosey: LOL I read "hair" at first
Randy: That too
LaZorra: I would not recommend that you put "hairy woman" on any dating profile.
Goosey: LOL

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