Monday, March 14, 2011

Learning to Embrace Phan

ThePhan: Before I sleep: a church friend posted on Facebook, "We must learn to embrace pain," but I somehow read it as "We must learn to embrace Pan."
Sentynel: I read the misreading as "We must learn to embrace Phan".
ThePhan: I couldn't figure out why one of my Christian friends was advocating worship of the Greek god of shepherds.
ThePhan: Sent: LOL LOL
* Sentynel HUGS Phan!
Sentynel: How am I doing?
* 10Kan HUGS ThePhan!
goldfishy: I already embraced Phan all the way up there - do I win?
ThePhan: Everyone who hugged me gets an A!
Grishny: I think Sam should pore over all the chat archives ever to see who was the first person ever to /hug ThePhan, and that's who wins.
ThePhan: Grishny: LOL
ThePhan: It'll probably end up being someone who hasn't been in chat for ages.
Sentynel: Alternatively, the person who hugged her the soonest after meeting her. Because they'd be the quickest learner.
goldfishy: Oh yeah that's a good one
ThePhan: Sent: Oh, good point.
goldfishy: mind you - you would have to differentiate between a hug initiated by Phan and one initiated by the person because if they were just responding it's not learnt yet is it?
ThePhan: Right.
Grishny: It'll be like the Oscars; there can be multiple awards for different categories of embracing ThePHan.
Grishny: "And the award for Quickest to /hug ThePhan Without Having Been First /hugged by ThePhan goes to..."
10Kan: If I've asked someone to give Phan a hug, am I up for Best Director?
Grishny: Sure, why not?
goldfishy: Oh and you could have like a booby prize for the person with the least returned hugs

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