Monday, August 15, 2011

Literal Man

(Discussing a frustration I had about someone from a TV show.)

ThePhan: I think it pushed both my "You can't give up once you've started it!" OCD button and my "Christians can't isolate themselves in their comfortable bubbles!" button. Both of which cause me to fly into a minor rage.
ThePhan: At least he didn't push my "Misuse of the word literally" button. That one is UNFORGIVABLE.
Goosey: LOL
Randy: LOL
Randy: Its a good thing you don't watch WWE
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Randy: "King! He literally tore his head off!"
ThePhan: Randy: It would be a more exciting, if terrifying, show if their literallys were true, though.
Randy: haha yes!
ThePhan: If I ever write a superhero story, that will be their power. Whenever they say something is "literally" whatever, it becomes true.
ThePhan: But the idiom has to be true at the same time.
Randy: haha!
ThePhan: So they have to find idioms that apply to their current situation that also reflects what they want to be literally true.
ThePhan: This superhero will be such a nerd.
Randy: I would totally read that. And want it to be a comic book.

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