Monday, August 22, 2011

LaZorra's Hair Plugs

Maryam: o.O
LaZorra: Sorry. My power cable fell out. And my computer's dying. And I am quite possibly very sleep-deprived.
Maryam: Oh, THAT sort of plug.
LaZorra: Maryam: :-.
Sentynel: ..what other sort of plugs are we thinking of, here?
Maryam: Well, for some reason, my mind first went to "hair plug"...
Maryam: And then drain plugs. And then I couldn't think of any other varieties.
Maryam: Well, that's not quite true, but the other kind I thought of wouldn't be appropriate for discussing here...

SimAdventures With Randy and Benedict

ThePhan: LOL
Randy: LOL LOL
ThePhan: So I made a Sims game where the characters are me, Sarah, and two of our mutual friends, and all our significant others (the two single girls get Benedict Cumberbatch and David Tennant as their SimGuys).
ThePhan: Today when I was playing, Sarah was at work and Randy suddenly started seeing little hearts when talking to me. Which, ya know, is OK, cuz Sims don't generally pursue people on their own so I was like, no biggie. But then SimMe went to sleep and SimRandy came over and sat on the bed. Just sat there. On the bed where I was sleeping.
ThePhan: SimMe apparently got creeped out, because she got out of bed and left and only went back to bed after Randy left. LOL
ThePhan: But he redeemed himself later by fixing the shower, which had been spraying water everywhere and making everyone cry when they went into the bathroom.
Randy: That is so awesome!
ThePhan: I've been playing this and updating the people involved as it goes :-)
ThePhan: Well, I haven't been updating David or Benedict.
ThePhan: I'm sure they want their fan mail addresses full of my detailed descriptions of their lives as Sims.
Sentynel: You should so do that.
Sentynel: Post if you get a response.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Well, things started off really badly, because in like the first 5 minutes of playing the game, I accidentally clicked on the wrong person and made my Sim flirt with David Tennant, who is NOT my SimHusband. So David's SimWife and Benedict were both extremely angry.
Goosey: TP: lol
Sentynel: Eh, it's David Tennant, who can blame you?
ThePhan: Sent: It is a pretty tough call between him and Benedict...
ThePhan: Benedict has apparently forgiven me, though, because we made out on a bed today.
Goosey: LOL LOL
LaZorra has entered.
Sentynel: LaZ!
LaZorra: WELL HI
* ThePhan hopes the first thing LZ saw was Phan reporting "we made out on a bed today."

Hormonal Borwsre

LaZorra: IE9 is better.
LaZorra: Still like hacked together, but better.
LaZorra: It more or less behaves like a hormonal browser.
LaZorra: Er.
LaZorra: A NORMAL borwsre.
LaZorra: browser

Monday, August 15, 2011

Alliterative Fun

ThePhan: Ah, good. I went to get some food and when I came back, the FlickChart Facebook fight had mostly died down. Whee!
ThePhan: To be more alliterative BECAUSE I CAN: Fleeing for food fixed FlickChart Facebook fight fiasco.
Sentynel: LOL, awesome.
Sentynel: Or should that be fantastic?
ThePhan: Fantastic! Yes! I was looking for an exclamation I could use beginning with F (er... a positive one) and couldn't think of any.
Sentynel: Fail.

The Lick-Free Zone

Ticia: Goosey: I would encourage you in your meat pie undertaking, but, well. Meat pie.
Goosey: Ticia: I know.
Ticia: Hehe
Sentynel: Goosey: I'll totally encourage you in your meat pie endeavour.
Sentynel: Mmm, scorched dead animal flesh.
* Sentynel licks lips
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: whose lips are you licking?
Sentynel: Mine, I hope
Goosey: LOL LOL
Ticia: I hope so, too. But you didn't say.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Oh my.
ThePhan: My physical boundary rules for my friends are now: 1) No touching my face, 2) No doing the weird petting/stroking thing, as I am not your cat, and 3) NO LICKING MY LIPS.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sentynel: Phan: Does 3 not technically fall under 1?
ThePhan: You'd think so, but I might as well be specific.
ThePhan: Sometimes people don't listen very well.
wintermute: Phan: Is licking your neck OK?
ThePhan: Nope.
* ThePhan can probably broaden the rule a bit, actually.
ThePhan: THE END
wintermute: What about on federal holidays?
ThePhan: Nope.
wintermute: You're not making this easy, you know.
ThePhan: If "this" is licking me, then that's the idea.
wintermute: Hrm.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'This is now a lick-free zone.' by niekie.
Sentynel: What happens if you get bitten by a snake with no advanced medical facilities, and you have to get the poison out of the wound!?
ThePhan: Then it should be done with the least amount of licking possible.
Sentynel: (Bet this is a conversation you never thought you'd have.)
ThePhan: Sent: You're right. But of course it would happen in RinkWorks.

Board Game Movies

Revan: The trailer itself, I haven't seen. I was too concerned with the fact that a movie based on BATTLESHIP is coming out, seriously.
10Kan: ...
10Kan: There's nothing to stop them from making an actual good film there, but I have a feeling they won't.
Revan: Oh, they won't.
Revan: That's how I found out about it.
10Kan: And then there's that move that I swore was based on Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, but actually isn't.
TalkingDog: I thought the same thing!
10Kan: Next up: Hungry Hungry Hippos
TalkingDog: That would be amazing. Genetically engineered military hippos escape! Like a warped Jurassic Park sort of thing.
10Kan: Exactly!
TalkingDog: "We need to get them to eat these marbles! It's the only way!"
10Kan: And their heads would burst from the water to gobble extras.
10Kan: ...On their freakish telescoping necks.
Revan: They would be defeated by white, spherical depth charges.
10Kan: The Game of Life: depressing drama about a guy who has next to no control over anything that happens to him, racks up incredible debt, yet discovers the cure for cancer, writes the Great American Novel and becomes president.
Revan: LOL
10Kan: Jenga: Action / Suspense: terrorists try to blow up a skyscraper while a team of engineers trapped inside work to move the bombs to blow up the terrorists and leave the building still standing.
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: Can anyone think of another classic board game turned awful film?
10Kan: Chutes and Ladders would be a family-friendly version of The Cube.
Revan: I can only imagine that Sorry! would be a Japanese game show where four neighboring families must don padded sparring equipment and fight to be the first to regroup at home for the big prize. Also, there are man-cannons strategically positioned around the block for ease of travel.
10Kan: And profusely apoligize to one another as they cracked skulls?
TalkingDog: The Japanese are very polite.
TalkingDog: Operation.
TalkingDog: A guy has a bomb inside him, wired to a light on his nose. If he dies, the bomb goes off and wipes out New York!
10Kan: LOL
Revan: It would take a very sadistic terrorist to rig an explosive to all the things this guy already needs operated on.
10Kan: Stratego: A secret war fought by two factions who carefully guard their agents' abilities until the time comes to strike!
10Kan: Like the Matrix if the agents were fighting against other agents.
10Kan: The protagonist discovers that his role is a human time-bomb, and tries to escape the conflict.
Revan: Donald Trump's life is Monopoly, and the global situation is Risk.
Sentynel: Minesweeper.
10Kan: LOL
TalkingDog: I love that video.
* TalkingDog has vague plans to work Minesweeper into a D&D battle.
Sentynel: A room full of magical traps, and either a team member's ability or an item which can detect the proximity of traps.
Sentynel: To make it more interesting, don't use a square grid.
TalkingDog: I'm dealing with people who aren't likely Minesweeper experts. I'll stick with the square grid.
Sentynel: A hex grid is actually easier as there are fewer adjacent squares.
TalkingDog: Moving to other computer games: Oregon Trail?
10Kan: TD: Most of the excitement would come from crossing bodies of water.
TalkingDog: True.
10Kan: That and Crazy Uncle Joe's driving urge to shoot all the wildlife between St. Louis and Oregon, even if he can only carry back 200 lbs of meat.
TalkingDog: SkiFree would be a hilarious movie. Skiers disappearing on the slopes. Reports of a monster darting quickly between the trees. The characters stuck at the top of the mountain while the lift is broken.
TalkingDog: I want to see a film version of the Boatmurdered saga.
10Kan: Better yet: a mini-series!
TalkingDog: Yes.
10Kan: Or a pseudohistorical documentary.
TalkingDog: Hangman? Hmm.
TalkingDog: Can't think of anything good for that.
Revan: Dyslexic Western.
Goosey: lol
10Kan: LOL
Revan: "Tarnation, Bill! You know ah cain't read!" "You've got to learn! This disabled war veteran's life depends on it!"


Maryam: Did you hear HBO is doing an American Gods show? I need to reread that.
Randy: yeah! ZIZ
Randy: gah!
Randy: I meant its going to be a series that might be a few seasons long
Randy: I was trying to erase the I and that came out somehow
Randy: LOL
Maryam: It might be late.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: That's the new "Yay."
Randy: hehehe
ThePhan: I had a great day! Ziz!
Randy: I made good tips today! Ziz!

Literal Man

(Discussing a frustration I had about someone from a TV show.)

ThePhan: I think it pushed both my "You can't give up once you've started it!" OCD button and my "Christians can't isolate themselves in their comfortable bubbles!" button. Both of which cause me to fly into a minor rage.
ThePhan: At least he didn't push my "Misuse of the word literally" button. That one is UNFORGIVABLE.
Goosey: LOL
Randy: LOL
Randy: Its a good thing you don't watch WWE
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Randy: "King! He literally tore his head off!"
ThePhan: Randy: It would be a more exciting, if terrifying, show if their literallys were true, though.
Randy: haha yes!
ThePhan: If I ever write a superhero story, that will be their power. Whenever they say something is "literally" whatever, it becomes true.
ThePhan: But the idiom has to be true at the same time.
Randy: haha!
ThePhan: So they have to find idioms that apply to their current situation that also reflects what they want to be literally true.
ThePhan: This superhero will be such a nerd.
Randy: I would totally read that. And want it to be a comic book.