Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sharing a Birth Mom

ThePhan: It's my grandmother's birthday. How did I go so long without knowing we shared a birth month? Heh.
Goosey: lol
ThePhan: I mean it's not like we've ever celebrated our birthdays with each other or anything, but still.
Kysle: I'm glad you don't share a birth mom, which is how I first read that.
ThePhan: That would be so confusing.
Kysle: It is making my head hurt, thinking about how that could work.
ThePhan: Kysle: Well, it could mean my mom had given birth to my grandmother, and then two generations later, my father married my mom. And she was still having babies. And she had me. And seven more.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'ThePhan's mother is Connor MacLeod!' by wintermute.
ThePhan: Hehe
Sentynel: There have been instances of people's biological parents carrying their children's children through IVF because their children can't carry their own kids.
Sentynel: That sentence is REALLY difficult to parse.
ThePhan: Sentynel: Heh. I knew what you meant. There's an extra generation in there in this case, though, which makes it funkier. My mom becomes my great-grandmother.
Sentynel: Yeah, I think that's pushing the bounds of biological plausibility just a little.
Kysle: TP: But your grandmother has to give birth to your mom who has to give birth to her. The only way to do that is time travel. (assuming it's your maternal grandmother?)
ThePhan: Kysle: Actually, she's my grandmother on my dad's side, so it works out well.
Kysle: Ahh
ThePhan: Well, as well as can be expected.
Kysle: Hehe
goldfishy: What worries me is you're all figuring out how to make this work...
Kysle: Hey, you never know when it might come in handy to have already thought about it.
Kysle: Maybe it'll be a question on a game show and you only have 10 seconds to answer!
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: "For $1,000,000, how could you and your grandmother have the same birth mom? GO!"

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