Thursday, November 1, 2012


Randy: TP: What's the status on y'all moving?
ThePhan: Randy: House hunting still. We keep finding possibilities that then disappear.
Randy: Stink.
ThePhan: And even though I hope we move soon for Internet reasons, heh, I'm a little hesitant about some of the places they want because they're looking at nicer places that we can totally afford with 4 of us, but I have no idea how long I'm going to be living with them. Heh. Things could change a bunch in the next year. I could find a job elsewhere, Jacob and I could end up married (WAIT WHAT but yeah maybe)... I really don't see me staying with them long term. So... I hope we find something they can also afford on their own, because I'd hate if they had to move whenever I do decide to move out on my own.
Randy: YAY MARRIED. hehe
Dave: I'm telling Sam you're getting married. It will take him forever to work out the truth.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Even if he finds where I first said it, it'll still take him forever to read that giant block of text.
Dave: He'll search the chat logs, find that part where you mention it as a possibility, but only skim it because he's Sam. So then he'll believe me.
Randy: To confuse the issue more, we should talk about your wedding plans.
Dave: Yes, tell us all about your dress!
ThePhan: Real friends don't skim other friends' possible marriage discussions.
ThePhan: Sarah and Lisa planned my wedding all for me about a month ago, because I'm lazy and don't want to make any actual decisions. So they're planning us a Star Wars-themed ceremony and a Doctor Who-themed reception. Works for me.
Dave: Sam is Captain Skimtastic. He'll figure he has the gist if I tell him what the gist is he's supposed to get.
Dave: That's awesome!
Randy: Phan: Awesome!
Randy: I still want to be Best Bridesman or something.
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog reads "Beast Bridesman".
Randy: LOL
Dave: Randy: You can do that, but you have to wear a dress.
Randy: Hmmm
ThePhan: Well, Sarah and Lisa and I were discussing the fact that between the two of us, we have a lot of girl friends and not a lot of guy friends. So we'll make them all stormtroopers so nobody can even tell if they're male or female. Problem solved.
Randy: Would a kilt be a good substitute?
ThePhan: Uh, no. I veto kilts.
ThePhan: Actual dress.
Randy: A stormtrooper in a kilt? Playing bagpipes while unicycling?
ThePhan: No unicycling. I have a lot of klutzy friends and they'll all fall over.
Sentynel: What is it with Rinkies and wanting men to wear dresses to their weddings?
Sentynel: Is it considered poor style to wear the same dress to two weddings?
Sentynel: I'm not sure I can justify buying two dresses.
Randy: Who else has said this?
ThePhan: Sent: Just match it with a different purse, and voila! Whole new outfit.
Sentynel: Phan: Oh, sweet, thanks.
Randy: Sent: Which other rinkie wants you to wear a dress at their wedding? LaZ?
Sentynel: Yup.
Randy: Are you going to?
Randy: She can probably beat you up if you don't.
Sentynel: I'll totally show up in a dress.
Sentynel: I may have to untag myself from the Facebook pictures, though.
ThePhan: No matter where you go, we will find you and tag you.
ThePhan: It's the price of friendship.
Sentynel: Badum tish.
* ThePhan apologizes. That wasn't even clever.
Randy: LOL
Dave: What flavor will your wedding cake be? This is the most important question of all.
Ticia: Wait, is Phan engaged?
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: SCORE
Ticia: I had to pick up my girls from yoga! No fair!
ThePhan: Ticia: I am not. We're just talking about it like I am.
Ticia: Heh, okay.
Dave: This will totally get Sam.
Dave: But, come on. Chocolate? Yellow? White? WE NEED TO KNOW
ThePhan: Hmm. Well, I'd probably vote chocolate, but I feel like yellow/white is more traditional.
Goosey: Pft, mine will be chocolate.
ThePhan: ...Not that I'm going the traditional route.
Sentynel: Phan: Because your wedding is SO traditional-
ThePhan: LOl
ThePhan: (That was me laughing loudly and then trailing off at the end because I felt embarrassed, I guess.)
Sentynel: This may surprise you, but apparently putting liquid nitrogen in your cocktails is a bad idea.
Sentynel: So, y'know, don't do that at your wedding.
Ticia: o.O
ThePhan: The inside of my cake will be liquid nitrogen.
ThePhan: I think we decided my cake was a TARDIS, though. Chocolate seems less weird with a blue cake than with a white cake.
Sentynel: How do you intend to make it bigger on the inside?
Ticia: And then you'll never run out of cake!
Goosey: Sent: Eeeek
ThePhan: Sent: A... trick cake table? I have no idea. It might have to be a nonfunctional TARDIS, sadly.
Dave: Screw that, I want a cake that's bigger on the OUTSIDE. More frosting that way.
TalkingDog: Just serve frosting.
Dave: It's frosting all the way down.
ThePhan: LOL YES
ThePhan: That would be amazing. An entire cake made of just frosting.
Sentynel: I don't think that could strictly speaking be considered a cake.
wintermute: Instead of wedding cake, we had wedding steak-and-kidney-pie.
Dave: Eww.
Dave: You can't frost that!
wintermute: Dave: You can frost anything.
Dave: Yeah, if you want to be disgusting.
Sam: Hey, wim's alive.
wintermute: Sam: Only statistically speaking.
Dave: Sam, you should briefly skim the chat log to get the gist of ThePhan's wedding.
Sam: "Dave: This will totally get Sam."
Dave: Yeah, you're totally going to get it.
Sam: I GOT IT.

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