Thursday, November 1, 2012
Goosey: Sent how old were you when you joined rinkchat here?
Sentynel: Goosey: It was the summer after my first year of uni, so I was 18/turning 19.
Goosey: told you Ticia
Goosey: Ticia's thinking of somebody else who joined REALLY young
Randy: Revan?
Goosey: Silon she says
Randy: Oh yeah, he was like 7.
Sentynel: Yeah, I was (legally, anyway) an adult already when I showed up.
Sentynel: It's not actually been that long, though it sure feels like it has.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Sent: I have realized you've totally been stuck as that age in my mind since you joined. How old are you actually now?
Sentynel: Phan: LOL, I'm 22.
ThePhan: Sent: OK. Sorry I didn't let you age.
Sentynel: Phan: You have no idea how weird growing three years at once is.
Goosey: He's the same age as one of my sisters, so it's easy for me to remember
ThePhan: Goosey: That would work for me if I could ever remember my siblings' ages.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Well you have more siblings than I do
wintermute: Phan: They're 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25.
ThePhan: wm: LOL LOL LOL
A Hand Full of Atheists
ThePhan: Uh. It is time to hide this girl on my newsfeed. She's apparently discovered the Christians Against Obama's Re-Election Facebook page, which is fine, do whatever you want politically, but she's reposted like 45 pictures from it so far. (Including one that says "prayer was removed from school by a hand full of atheists," and the misspelling implies it was a literal hand full of atheists, which is a very entertaining image, but not entertaining enough for me to stay subscribed to her.)
Maryam: Phan: Ew.
Sentynel: There's a family of atheists living in my hand.
Sentynel: It's rather inconvenient.
ThePhan: Is it the same group of atheists who removed prayer from schools? Or do most atheists just go and live in other people's hands?
Sentynel: I don't know. I tried asking, but they won't speak to voices from above for some reason.
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: Sent: LOL
Banana Brad
Dave: I have the stuff to make banana bread I think.
Dave: That's yummy.
Goosey: nom nom
ThePhan: Erm. *bread
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Banana Brad is one of LaZorra's study guys.
Maryam: Sounds like a guy who works at a bar at a tropical resort.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Randy: TP: What's the status on y'all moving?
ThePhan: Randy: House hunting still. We keep finding possibilities that then disappear.
Randy: Stink.
ThePhan: And even though I hope we move soon for Internet reasons, heh, I'm a little hesitant about some of the places they want because they're looking at nicer places that we can totally afford with 4 of us, but I have no idea how long I'm going to be living with them. Heh. Things could change a bunch in the next year. I could find a job elsewhere, Jacob and I could end up married (WAIT WHAT but yeah maybe)... I really don't see me staying with them long term. So... I hope we find something they can also afford on their own, because I'd hate if they had to move whenever I do decide to move out on my own.
Randy: YAY MARRIED. hehe
Dave: I'm telling Sam you're getting married. It will take him forever to work out the truth.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Even if he finds where I first said it, it'll still take him forever to read that giant block of text.
Dave: He'll search the chat logs, find that part where you mention it as a possibility, but only skim it because he's Sam. So then he'll believe me.
Randy: To confuse the issue more, we should talk about your wedding plans.
Dave: Yes, tell us all about your dress!
ThePhan: Real friends don't skim other friends' possible marriage discussions.
ThePhan: Sarah and Lisa planned my wedding all for me about a month ago, because I'm lazy and don't want to make any actual decisions. So they're planning us a Star Wars-themed ceremony and a Doctor Who-themed reception. Works for me.
Dave: Sam is Captain Skimtastic. He'll figure he has the gist if I tell him what the gist is he's supposed to get.
Dave: That's awesome!
Randy: Phan: Awesome!
Randy: I still want to be Best Bridesman or something.
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog reads "Beast Bridesman".
Randy: LOL
Dave: Randy: You can do that, but you have to wear a dress.
Randy: Hmmm
ThePhan: Well, Sarah and Lisa and I were discussing the fact that between the two of us, we have a lot of girl friends and not a lot of guy friends. So we'll make them all stormtroopers so nobody can even tell if they're male or female. Problem solved.
Randy: Would a kilt be a good substitute?
ThePhan: Uh, no. I veto kilts.
ThePhan: Actual dress.
Randy: A stormtrooper in a kilt? Playing bagpipes while unicycling?
ThePhan: No unicycling. I have a lot of klutzy friends and they'll all fall over.
Sentynel: What is it with Rinkies and wanting men to wear dresses to their weddings?
Sentynel: Is it considered poor style to wear the same dress to two weddings?
Sentynel: I'm not sure I can justify buying two dresses.
Randy: Who else has said this?
ThePhan: Sent: Just match it with a different purse, and voila! Whole new outfit.
Sentynel: Phan: Oh, sweet, thanks.
Randy: Sent: Which other rinkie wants you to wear a dress at their wedding? LaZ?
Sentynel: Yup.
Randy: Are you going to?
Randy: She can probably beat you up if you don't.
Sentynel: I'll totally show up in a dress.
Sentynel: I may have to untag myself from the Facebook pictures, though.
ThePhan: No matter where you go, we will find you and tag you.
ThePhan: It's the price of friendship.
Sentynel: Badum tish.
* ThePhan apologizes. That wasn't even clever.
Randy: LOL
Dave: What flavor will your wedding cake be? This is the most important question of all.
Ticia: Wait, is Phan engaged?
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: SCORE
Ticia: I had to pick up my girls from yoga! No fair!
ThePhan: Ticia: I am not. We're just talking about it like I am.
Ticia: Heh, okay.
Dave: This will totally get Sam.
Dave: But, come on. Chocolate? Yellow? White? WE NEED TO KNOW
ThePhan: Hmm. Well, I'd probably vote chocolate, but I feel like yellow/white is more traditional.
Goosey: Pft, mine will be chocolate.
ThePhan: ...Not that I'm going the traditional route.
Sentynel: Phan: Because your wedding is SO traditional-
ThePhan: LOl
ThePhan: (That was me laughing loudly and then trailing off at the end because I felt embarrassed, I guess.)
Sentynel: This may surprise you, but apparently putting liquid nitrogen in your cocktails is a bad idea.
Sentynel: So, y'know, don't do that at your wedding.
Ticia: o.O
ThePhan: The inside of my cake will be liquid nitrogen.
ThePhan: I think we decided my cake was a TARDIS, though. Chocolate seems less weird with a blue cake than with a white cake.
Sentynel: How do you intend to make it bigger on the inside?
Ticia: And then you'll never run out of cake!
Goosey: Sent: Eeeek
ThePhan: Sent: A... trick cake table? I have no idea. It might have to be a nonfunctional TARDIS, sadly.
Dave: Screw that, I want a cake that's bigger on the OUTSIDE. More frosting that way.
TalkingDog: Just serve frosting.
Dave: It's frosting all the way down.
ThePhan: LOL YES
ThePhan: That would be amazing. An entire cake made of just frosting.
Sentynel: I don't think that could strictly speaking be considered a cake.
wintermute: Instead of wedding cake, we had wedding steak-and-kidney-pie.
Dave: Eww.
Dave: You can't frost that!
wintermute: Dave: You can frost anything.
Dave: Yeah, if you want to be disgusting.
Sam: Hey, wim's alive.
wintermute: Sam: Only statistically speaking.
Dave: Sam, you should briefly skim the chat log to get the gist of ThePhan's wedding.
Sam: "Dave: This will totally get Sam."
Dave: Yeah, you're totally going to get it.
Sam: I GOT IT.
Why Did I Have to Remember a Xanth Book?
ThePhan: Hey, I've been 26 for 6 minutes now! Whoo!
TalkingDog: Yay!
TalkingDog: Not as fun a number as 25. But next is 27, which is a cube!
ThePhan: Next year I will be a cute!
ThePhan: Er. A cube.
Maryam: We will be able to build Minecraft structures with you.
ThePhan: Awesome.
Maryam: Oh geez, that made me remember a Xanth book. WHY DID I HAVE TO REMEMBER A XANTH BOOK
Goosey: BAHAHA
TalkingDog: wha
ThePhan: Hehe.
Maryam: My dad had almost that whole series (up to that point) when I was a kid. Having previously read only read stuff like Baby-Sitters Club, I thought it was amazing for a long time.
ThePhan: The Baby-Sitters Club/Xanth crossover book is even more amazing.
ThePhan: (Or, well, it would have to be if there was one.)
Maryam: I would read that.
Goosey: LOL!
Randy: LOL!!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Working From Home
* ThePhan is running Bad Translator on Disney lyrics for a blog post. Can you all identify this song, translated back and forth into multiple languages? "Hugh, Hugh, we're starting to work from home."
Maryam: Uhh.
* TalkingDog knows.
Sam: Heigh ho, heigh ho.
Sam: Took me a minute.
ThePhan: Correct.
Sentynel: LOL
Sentynel: Seems like miners working from home might be a bad idea.
TalkingDog: That means they've installed Minecraft.
Randy: nice!
Sentynel: LOL!
ThePhan: LOL
* Sam is working on drawing up SinbadBlitzBot captions.
Sam: Er, SinbadCaptionBot.
Sam: You know, the one with the captions.
ThePhan: There should be a Sinbad version of EVERY SINGLE BOT.
ThePhan: I don't really know what to do when we get to things like SinbadBibleBot, but...
Maryam: That's the next mini-UBT idea. Sinbad versions of every bot, playing all at once.
Randy: LOL
Randy: Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepard, I shall not want. HA!
TalkingDog: In the beginning, there was nobody here. In the beginning, there was nobody here.
Maryam: LOL!
Sam has entered.
Randy: SAM!
TalkingDog: sam you are sam
Sam: no im not stop calling menames
TalkingDog: you are also gertrude and chet
Goosey: lol
Sam: Shut up, TALKINGDOG.
Sam: Or should I say...TIM.
TalkingDog: aaaaaaaah
Maryam: There are some who call him Tim.
TalkingDog: You know you're in trouble when they use your full name.
ThePhan: TD: Your full name is Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim Tim?
Randy: LOL
TalkingDog: Yes.
Neil Gaiman's Hat
Sentynel: From Twitter: Neil Gaiman posts the following: "Just wrote HAT on my hand in a pathetic attempt to remember that I had a hat when I got on this aircraft, when I get off in 160 minutes..."
Sentynel: Somebody replies: "@neilhimself Not as pathetic as time I wrote someone's name on my hand to remember it &forgot to wash it off before arriving at our 1st date"
Sentynel: AWKWARD.
Maryam: In the later-written introductions to Good Omens, Neil Gaiman mentions how he tried to become a hat person but kept forgetting it everywhere and eventually became a leather jacket person.
Maryam: Instead, that is.
TalkingDog: It would be funny if he just kept buying new hats until they were everywhere, and he could just pick up any hat he found and wear it and be sure it's his.
ThePhan: He could wear his leather jacket as a hat.
ThePhan: Tie the sleeves under his chin like a bonnet.
ThePhan: That is all kinds of trendy.
TalkingDog: I approve of that idea.
Maryam: If Neil Gaiman did it, it totally would be trendy.
ThePhan: I have a leather jacket. I could start doing it. I could do it, but position the jacket so it falls in front of my face instead of behind it, and just tell people I'm Neil Gaiman. They'd never know the difference and the trend would take off.
Crazy Person Encounter
* ThePhan just had another crazy person encounter.
Ticia: Yay, story!
ThePhan: It's on FB, but I shall paste it here for people who do not have FB:
ThePhan: As soon as I plugged in and opened my laptop at the library, the old man near me pointed at it and asked, "What's that?"
ThePhan: Me: "You mean my computer?"
ThePhan: Him: "Oh, it's a computer? It's a... toaster?"
ThePhan: Me: "What?"
Ticia: ...
ThePhan: Him: "The name on the back."
ThePhan: Me: "Oh. It's a Toshiba. It's a good computer."
ThePhan: Him: "Oh, Toshiba. Toshiiiiiiiba. Tooooshiiiiiibaaaa."
ThePhan: He chanted "Toshiba" for another 30 seconds or so, then got up and left.
Ticia: LOL
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Phan: The Crazy Person Society has seen your Facebook posts about encountering their members, and is doing its best to send more your way, since you appreciate them so much.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sentynel: I took a photo while I was out: ('scuse the phone camera quality)
Goosey: SO pretty!! Where is that??
Sentynel: Er, my front garden.
Goosey: ...
Goosey: Okay, time to get a passport . . .
Maryam: I want to live where you live.
Goosey: Me toooo
ThePhan: I am already there! I am hiding in the purple flowers! Can you see me?
Sentynel: I saw a lot of bees on the lavender. Are you, in fact, a bee?
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: With a tiny bee-sized laptop?
Sentynel: And presumably hijacking my wifi?
Goosey: hehehehe
Goosey: That is the best mental image I'll have all day.
Goosey: Little wifi-jacking Phan-bee!
ThePhan: Yup! I am the little known wifiphanbee!
Goosey: SO pretty!! Where is that??
Sentynel: Er, my front garden.
Goosey: ...
Goosey: Okay, time to get a passport . . .
Maryam: I want to live where you live.
Goosey: Me toooo
ThePhan: I am already there! I am hiding in the purple flowers! Can you see me?
Sentynel: I saw a lot of bees on the lavender. Are you, in fact, a bee?
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: With a tiny bee-sized laptop?
Sentynel: And presumably hijacking my wifi?
Goosey: hehehehe
Goosey: That is the best mental image I'll have all day.
Goosey: Little wifi-jacking Phan-bee!
ThePhan: Yup! I am the little known wifiphanbee!
Saving Money
Sentynel: ...
Sentynel: I have invented a revolutionary new way of saving money.
Sentynel: I logged into my bank account to check if I had enough money to buy something.
Sentynel: I immediately forgot what I was going to buy.
Sentynel: Money saved!
Sentynel: I have invented a revolutionary new way of saving money.
Sentynel: I logged into my bank account to check if I had enough money to buy something.
Sentynel: I immediately forgot what I was going to buy.
Sentynel: Money saved!
Shower Hug
ThePhan has entered.
Randy: PHAN!
Randy: :-.
* LaZorra HUGS Phan!
LaZorra: And on that note, it's time for me to shower and sleep.
LaZorra is away.
* ThePhan HUGS LaZorra!
LaZorra has left.
ThePhan: Yup. I went to her shower and hugged her. She was like, "UH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" and I said, "Returning a hug," and she said, "THIS IS AWKWARD," so I went back to South Carolina.
Randy: LOL
Randy: PHAN!
Randy: :-.
* LaZorra HUGS Phan!
LaZorra: And on that note, it's time for me to shower and sleep.
LaZorra is away.
* ThePhan HUGS LaZorra!
LaZorra has left.
ThePhan: Yup. I went to her shower and hugged her. She was like, "UH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" and I said, "Returning a hug," and she said, "THIS IS AWKWARD," so I went back to South Carolina.
Randy: LOL
Sneeze On ALL the Things!
ThePhan has entered.
Sentynel: ARGH
* Sentynel sneezes on all the things.
Sentynel: Stupid summer. Stupid photic sneeze reflex.
Sentynel: Er, hi Phan!
ThePhan: That was the worst greeting ever.
ThePhan: If all you people are going to do is sneeze on me when I walk into a room...
Sentynel: =(
Sentynel: ARGH
* Sentynel sneezes on all the things.
Sentynel: Stupid summer. Stupid photic sneeze reflex.
Sentynel: Er, hi Phan!
ThePhan: That was the worst greeting ever.
ThePhan: If all you people are going to do is sneeze on me when I walk into a room...
Sentynel: =(
Ninja Hugs
LaZorra has entered.
* LaZorra HUGS PHAN!
LaZorra: But ninjas can't catch you then!
LaZorra: Er.
LaZorra: That was summosed to be a PM.
LaZorra: s/mm/pp
ThePhan: Whoa, wait, I didn't see LaZorra was here! HIIII!
LaZorra: hiiiiiiiiiii
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: I am so offended.
ThePhan: Sometimes people hug me and I don't even realize.
LaZorra: That is about as far from the actual truth as it is possible to get.
LaZorra: Though the mental image of people running up to you and hugging you and then being severely disappointed when you don't notice is kind of funny.
Sentynel: I like how LaZ was talking about ninjas and Phan didn't see her.
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: :-.
ThePhan: LOL
* LaZorra HUGS PHAN!
LaZorra: But ninjas can't catch you then!
LaZorra: Er.
LaZorra: That was summosed to be a PM.
LaZorra: s/mm/pp
ThePhan: Whoa, wait, I didn't see LaZorra was here! HIIII!
LaZorra: hiiiiiiiiiii
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: I am so offended.
ThePhan: Sometimes people hug me and I don't even realize.
LaZorra: That is about as far from the actual truth as it is possible to get.
LaZorra: Though the mental image of people running up to you and hugging you and then being severely disappointed when you don't notice is kind of funny.
Sentynel: I like how LaZ was talking about ninjas and Phan didn't see her.
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: :-.
ThePhan: LOL
Eng Synching Great Friends
(LZ was using her iPad.)
LaZorra: huggggggs I do not know what I would do without you guys.
LaZorra: Thank you for. Eng synch great friends.
ThePhan: Any time. That's what we're here for :-)
LaZorra: lol this dumb thing!!!
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey giggles to death
LaZorra: BEST
* ThePhan eng synchs great friends even bexter than Goosey!
ThePhan: :-P
Goosey: LOL LOL
LaZorra: huggggggs I do not know what I would do without you guys.
LaZorra: Thank you for. Eng synch great friends.
ThePhan: Any time. That's what we're here for :-)
LaZorra: lol this dumb thing!!!
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey giggles to death
LaZorra: BEST
* ThePhan eng synchs great friends even bexter than Goosey!
ThePhan: :-P
Goosey: LOL LOL
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Turtle Hats
* ThePhan pokes her head into the Internet again. Slowly, so it doesn't get skittish.
Randy: Like a turtle?
ThePhan: Yup.
TalkingDog: Turtle!
Sentynel: I read Phan's message up there as her poking her head into a turtle.
Sentynel: I was going to say I understood it might be a bit skittish about this.
ThePhan: Hehe
ThePhan: One of the many, many turtles that fill up the entire ocean.
ThePhan: Multiple times.
ThePhan: According to that chapel speaker I dreamed about.
Sentynel: Phan: YES. THOSE TURTLES.
Sentynel: Actually I think I estimated them as fairly small turtles, so your head probably wouldn't fit.
Sentynel: So maybe not those turtles.
ThePhan: Sent: If I cruelly remove the actual turtle part and crack open the shell more and stick my head in there and wear it like a hat?
Sentynel: Congratulations, you've found an item of clothing more likely to get you lynched by animal rights activists than fur.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: So fashionable.
ThePhan: HEY, I hear noise upstairs. Maybe ze boyfriend is finally home.
ThePhan: Maybe he bought me a turtle to make into a hat.
Randy: LOL
Randy: Ask him. In those exact words.
LaZorra: Wow, I come back to the buffer and y'all are talking about murdering animals in the worst ways.
ThePhan: Well, that'll be confusing, talking about him in the third person.
LaZorra: No wonder I love you guys.
ThePhan: LZ: But... to make hats!
ThePhan: I hear... weird noises upstairs. It sounds like he might be removing the turtle and cracking open the shell before he presents the hat to me.
Randy: TP: If he really is, then marry him.
Randy: Like today.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: And everybody gets to make their own turtle hat at the arts and crafts table at our wedding!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: YES
LaZorra: I kind of love the idea that there's going to be an arts and crafts table at your wedding.
Randy: That too
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: I'm picturing the wedding party sitting around with glue guns.
ThePhan: Yeah, I don't really know what spawned that idea.
ThePhan: *I* sure don't like arts and crafts.
Leen: Awww.
Randy: hahaha
Sentynel: You know, if only Aeschylus had got in on this fashion for turtle hats, he wouldn't have been killed when an eagle dropped one on him.
ThePhan: But you gotta give people something to do at weddings.
LaZorra: Maybe it will be a make-your-own-damn-wedding-favor table.
Sentynel: Either because it protected him, or more likely because all the turtles had been turned into hats already.
ThePhan: LZ: That is EXACTLY what it willb e.
ThePhan: *will be
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: Glitter, sequins, paint, glue, and a tank full of turtles.
Leen: Sounds like FUN!
Sentynel: Remind me to show up a day early for your wedding so I can launch a guerilla raid to free the turtles before the whole wedding gets arrested for animal cruelty.
ThePhan: Jacob is back home but, alas, no turtle hat. But I told him all about them and he agreed he should have brought me one.
Randy: Like a turtle?
ThePhan: Yup.
TalkingDog: Turtle!
Sentynel: I read Phan's message up there as her poking her head into a turtle.
Sentynel: I was going to say I understood it might be a bit skittish about this.
ThePhan: Hehe
ThePhan: One of the many, many turtles that fill up the entire ocean.
ThePhan: Multiple times.
ThePhan: According to that chapel speaker I dreamed about.
Sentynel: Phan: YES. THOSE TURTLES.
Sentynel: Actually I think I estimated them as fairly small turtles, so your head probably wouldn't fit.
Sentynel: So maybe not those turtles.
ThePhan: Sent: If I cruelly remove the actual turtle part and crack open the shell more and stick my head in there and wear it like a hat?
Sentynel: Congratulations, you've found an item of clothing more likely to get you lynched by animal rights activists than fur.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: So fashionable.
ThePhan: HEY, I hear noise upstairs. Maybe ze boyfriend is finally home.
ThePhan: Maybe he bought me a turtle to make into a hat.
Randy: LOL
Randy: Ask him. In those exact words.
LaZorra: Wow, I come back to the buffer and y'all are talking about murdering animals in the worst ways.
ThePhan: Well, that'll be confusing, talking about him in the third person.
LaZorra: No wonder I love you guys.
ThePhan: LZ: But... to make hats!
ThePhan: I hear... weird noises upstairs. It sounds like he might be removing the turtle and cracking open the shell before he presents the hat to me.
Randy: TP: If he really is, then marry him.
Randy: Like today.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: And everybody gets to make their own turtle hat at the arts and crafts table at our wedding!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
Randy: YES
LaZorra: I kind of love the idea that there's going to be an arts and crafts table at your wedding.
Randy: That too
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: I'm picturing the wedding party sitting around with glue guns.
ThePhan: Yeah, I don't really know what spawned that idea.
ThePhan: *I* sure don't like arts and crafts.
Leen: Awww.
Randy: hahaha
Sentynel: You know, if only Aeschylus had got in on this fashion for turtle hats, he wouldn't have been killed when an eagle dropped one on him.
ThePhan: But you gotta give people something to do at weddings.
LaZorra: Maybe it will be a make-your-own-damn-wedding-favor table.
Sentynel: Either because it protected him, or more likely because all the turtles had been turned into hats already.
ThePhan: LZ: That is EXACTLY what it willb e.
ThePhan: *will be
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: Glitter, sequins, paint, glue, and a tank full of turtles.
Leen: Sounds like FUN!
Sentynel: Remind me to show up a day early for your wedding so I can launch a guerilla raid to free the turtles before the whole wedding gets arrested for animal cruelty.
ThePhan: Jacob is back home but, alas, no turtle hat. But I told him all about them and he agreed he should have brought me one.
Pictures of My Hair
(Goosey had been talking about texting us a picture of her hair.)
Ticia: TP: I never did get a text from you
Ticia: If you did send me a picture of your hair, I never got it.
ThePhan: What? I'm supposed to text people pictures of my hair?
Goosey: Um, *I* texted you
Goosey: Did you change your number AGAIN?
Ticia: Oh, lol.
Ticia: I did not change my number again.
Ticia: Sorry, I got confused.
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey DIES
Ticia: TP: I never did get a text from you
Ticia: If you did send me a picture of your hair, I never got it.
ThePhan: What? I'm supposed to text people pictures of my hair?
Goosey: Um, *I* texted you
Goosey: Did you change your number AGAIN?
Ticia: Oh, lol.
Ticia: I did not change my number again.
Ticia: Sorry, I got confused.
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey DIES
LaZorra: hakko
LaZorra: kk
LaZorra: *ll
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: ahloo
LaZorra: HALLO
Randy: haiku!
LaZorra: I typed something, it disappeared, and I was trying to type "hallo" as a test.
ThePhan: "Hakko" = a cough. "Ahloo" = a sneeze?
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: My typing is sick, obviously.
Randy: Typos have been made/LaZorra must be in here/phtotography
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: :)
Sentynel: Haiku are awesome / but sometimes they don't make sense / refrigerator
Randy: Mine was more awesome/because I made it all up/and didn't steal it
TalkingDog: i like food it's good/food food food yay food yay food/nom nom nom nom burp
TalkingDog: food.
Sentynel: I didn't steal it / you can't steal abstract poems / I just borrowed it.
LaZorra: vote talkingdog
Randy: I think TD wins, yes.
ThePhan: Elmo writes haikus / but they are not very good. / He wishes they were.
Randy: hehe
Sentynel: I wonder if my / haiku validation tool / is still behaving...
Randy: wintermute's one about aluminum is still my favorite.
Sentynel: If you read that web / address, it is actually / a haiku itself.
ThePhan: NICE.
ThePhan: I was like, "Nuh-uh," / and then I read it loud, / and I was like, "Whooooaaaa."
ThePhan: *out loud.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
ThePhan: I did not read it loud.
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: I wish I could claim / that address was deliberate / but alas, it's not.
ThePhan: Jacob's sleeping in the next room. I don't think he'd appreciate it if I woke him up yelling, "H! T! T! P! S! COLON! SLASH! SLASH! SENTYNEL DOT COM! SLASH! HAIKU!"
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: Slash haiku sounds terrifying.
Maryam: Actually that sounds rather hilarious.
ThePhan: LZ: LOL LOL
Maryam: Frodo and Samwise / Together forever in / minds of sick perverts
LaZorra: bahahaha
Randy: aaaah
LaZorra: You're totally right.
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: That's awesome.
ThePhan: Spock leaned into Kirk, / whispered, "I've always loved you," / and kissed him deeply.
ThePhan: Ha, Maryam finished her slash haiku first.
LaZorra: kk
LaZorra: *ll
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: ahloo
LaZorra: HALLO
Randy: haiku!
LaZorra: I typed something, it disappeared, and I was trying to type "hallo" as a test.
ThePhan: "Hakko" = a cough. "Ahloo" = a sneeze?
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: My typing is sick, obviously.
Randy: Typos have been made/LaZorra must be in here/phtotography
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: :)
Sentynel: Haiku are awesome / but sometimes they don't make sense / refrigerator
Randy: Mine was more awesome/because I made it all up/and didn't steal it
TalkingDog: i like food it's good/food food food yay food yay food/nom nom nom nom burp
TalkingDog: food.
Sentynel: I didn't steal it / you can't steal abstract poems / I just borrowed it.
LaZorra: vote talkingdog
Randy: I think TD wins, yes.
ThePhan: Elmo writes haikus / but they are not very good. / He wishes they were.
Randy: hehe
Sentynel: I wonder if my / haiku validation tool / is still behaving...
Randy: wintermute's one about aluminum is still my favorite.
Sentynel: If you read that web / address, it is actually / a haiku itself.
ThePhan: NICE.
ThePhan: I was like, "Nuh-uh," / and then I read it loud, / and I was like, "Whooooaaaa."
ThePhan: *out loud.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
ThePhan: I did not read it loud.
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: I wish I could claim / that address was deliberate / but alas, it's not.
ThePhan: Jacob's sleeping in the next room. I don't think he'd appreciate it if I woke him up yelling, "H! T! T! P! S! COLON! SLASH! SLASH! SENTYNEL DOT COM! SLASH! HAIKU!"
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: Slash haiku sounds terrifying.
Maryam: Actually that sounds rather hilarious.
ThePhan: LZ: LOL LOL
Maryam: Frodo and Samwise / Together forever in / minds of sick perverts
LaZorra: bahahaha
Randy: aaaah
LaZorra: You're totally right.
Randy: hehe
LaZorra: That's awesome.
ThePhan: Spock leaned into Kirk, / whispered, "I've always loved you," / and kissed him deeply.
ThePhan: Ha, Maryam finished her slash haiku first.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
(About Left 4 Dead 2)
ThePhan: I also had to use my melee weapon a lot because I had great trouble picking things up so I couldn't refuel my guns.
Sentynel: The melee weapons are the most fun anyway.
Sentynel: Also, er, I don't think you meant "refuel".
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: LOL
Sentynel: I can't imagine why.
ThePhan: I also had to use my melee weapon a lot because I had great trouble picking things up so I couldn't refuel my guns.
Sentynel: The melee weapons are the most fun anyway.
Sentynel: Also, er, I don't think you meant "refuel".
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: LOL
Sentynel: I can't imagine why.
Winning a Halo Match
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: Hi everyone!
ThePhan: Jacob says you guys are a cool group.
Goosey: HI JACOB
Sentynel: HI JACOB
ThePhan: Ha, I told him you said hi and he immediately died in his game.
Sentynel: SUCCESS
ThePhan: I think you guys are killing him by accident.
Sentynel: Man, that would be the most convoluted way of winning a Halo match EVER.
ThePhan: ...Or on purpose, it seems.
TalkingDog: We have learned to beat people in Halo without a controller.
ThePhan: Hi everyone!
ThePhan: Jacob says you guys are a cool group.
Goosey: HI JACOB
Sentynel: HI JACOB
ThePhan: Ha, I told him you said hi and he immediately died in his game.
Sentynel: SUCCESS
ThePhan: I think you guys are killing him by accident.
Sentynel: Man, that would be the most convoluted way of winning a Halo match EVER.
ThePhan: ...Or on purpose, it seems.
TalkingDog: We have learned to beat people in Halo without a controller.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Hidden Messages
Sentynel: 2,4,5,7-9,11-13,15,16,18-23,25,26,28,32-34,36,38-65
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: This is totally not the window I thought it was.
TalkingDog: Ha! Got your password!
Sentynel: DAMMIT
TalkingDog: I should have guessed it, really.
TalkingDog: Next time, try adding a few capital numbers.
* ThePhan will read only those pages of her next book. She assumes she will find hidden messages from Sentynel.
Sentynel: Yes. Yes you shall.
Sentynel: Although what message depends quite strongly on the book.
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: This is totally not the window I thought it was.
TalkingDog: Ha! Got your password!
Sentynel: DAMMIT
TalkingDog: I should have guessed it, really.
TalkingDog: Next time, try adding a few capital numbers.
* ThePhan will read only those pages of her next book. She assumes she will find hidden messages from Sentynel.
Sentynel: Yes. Yes you shall.
Sentynel: Although what message depends quite strongly on the book.
Musical Crying
ThePhan: LOL, this is a very melodic wail from this child in the library.
ThePhan: I am finding it much more entertaining than I probably should.
ThePhan: It's a lovely soprano tune.
Ticia: You should sing along.
ThePhan: I should! But the kid appears to have either left or calmed down.
Ticia: Awww, that's too bad.
ThePhan: Which is sad, because it would have been SO AWESOME to harmonize with a crying kid.
wintermute: Sounds like the basis for a new musical instument to me
wintermute: You just need 88 children all crying in different registers.
ThePhan: I am finding it much more entertaining than I probably should.
ThePhan: It's a lovely soprano tune.
Ticia: You should sing along.
ThePhan: I should! But the kid appears to have either left or calmed down.
Ticia: Awww, that's too bad.
ThePhan: Which is sad, because it would have been SO AWESOME to harmonize with a crying kid.
wintermute: Sounds like the basis for a new musical instument to me
wintermute: You just need 88 children all crying in different registers.
Life Alert Addiction
Randy: There's a commercial for Life Alert, the "Fallen and I Can't Get Up" thing.
Randy: This lady says "I'll give up bread, soda, and beer but never my Life Alert"
Randy: Who would ask someone to give that up?
TalkingDog: Maybe you can get addicted.
Randy: Always falling down and calling for help. That can be addicting.
TalkingDog: You'd have to get them to a support group, where they teach you that you can get up without it.
TalkingDog: "My name is Margaret, and I've been upright for 2 months. My ankles are killing me."
Randy: This lady says "I'll give up bread, soda, and beer but never my Life Alert"
Randy: Who would ask someone to give that up?
TalkingDog: Maybe you can get addicted.
Randy: Always falling down and calling for help. That can be addicting.
TalkingDog: You'd have to get them to a support group, where they teach you that you can get up without it.
TalkingDog: "My name is Margaret, and I've been upright for 2 months. My ankles are killing me."
RinkChat Webcam
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: For some reason my Internet has just decided it is very unhappy with me being in RinkChat.
Ticia: Boo, Internet.
Ticia: It's probably because of all the fancy flash and jpegs and stuff. Sam really needs to tone this place down.
ThePhan: Well, I'll be the first to admit that the live webcam feed of every RinkChat user is nice, but I think maybe it would help if it was limited to only the ones who were actually in chat at the time.
* Sentynel blinks
* Sentynel should probably put some clothes on.
Ticia: Yeah, that's annoying.
Ticia: The webcam thing.
Ticia: But also the Sentynel naked thing.
* Sam comes back and reads "But also the Sentynel naked thing" and decides not to investigate further.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: For some reason my Internet has just decided it is very unhappy with me being in RinkChat.
Ticia: Boo, Internet.
Ticia: It's probably because of all the fancy flash and jpegs and stuff. Sam really needs to tone this place down.
ThePhan: Well, I'll be the first to admit that the live webcam feed of every RinkChat user is nice, but I think maybe it would help if it was limited to only the ones who were actually in chat at the time.
* Sentynel blinks
* Sentynel should probably put some clothes on.
Ticia: Yeah, that's annoying.
Ticia: The webcam thing.
Ticia: But also the Sentynel naked thing.
* Sam comes back and reads "But also the Sentynel naked thing" and decides not to investigate further.
Enthusastic Greetings
Sam: Wow. Congrats on avoiding a scroll bar on my screen. (Your cue to go longer.)
ThePhan: That was quite enthusiastic.
ThePhan: Hello, all.
Sam: That was not enthusiastic.
Sentynel: 'lo.
* Sentynel tries for the least enthusiastic possible greeting.
TalkingDog: hm.
Sam: *grunt*
Sam: Wow. Congrats on avoiding a scroll bar on my screen. (Your cue to go longer.)
ThePhan: That was quite enthusiastic.
ThePhan: Hello, all.
Sam: That was not enthusiastic.
Sentynel: 'lo.
* Sentynel tries for the least enthusiastic possible greeting.
TalkingDog: hm.
Sam: *grunt*
The Exorcist Dance Numbers
ThePhan: Also, Sam, in case you did not see this: http://unpublishedforareason.blogspot....12/06/blind-spots-2012-band-wagon.html
Sam: TP: Check out Silk Stockings sometime. It's essentially a musical version of Ninotchka (no need to have seen that) with Astaire and Charisse. It's also interesting in that it's roughly the last classic MGM musical, and although they knock the dance numbers out of the park, you can sense that the filmmakers were aware the genre was fading out and tried a little harder to stay relevant instead of merely exulting in the format.
Sam: So it's a curiosity AND a great example of the genre in one.
ThePhan: Oh, right! I remember you mentioning that when I said I was seeing The Band Wagon. I shall add it to my list.
ThePhan: I think I'm going to watch The Exorcist next for the blind spots list.
Sam: I didn't really like the dance numbers in that..
Sam: Ok, there's some impressively freaky choreography in it, but no joy.
ThePhan: Hey, dance isn't always all about joy.
Sam: There should be a joy of craft and process, even if it's absent in the subject.
Sam: Also, that movie forgets the lessons Fred Astaire's movies taught about cinematography. You should do long takes of the whole of the dancers' bodies. But The Exorcist is so fixated on Linda Blair's (puking) head, you seldom if ever see what her feet are doing.
Sam: It's tragic that some of filmdom's best tap dancing sequences were only captured from the neck up.
Sam: ...I got nowhere else to go with this.
Sam: TP: Check out Silk Stockings sometime. It's essentially a musical version of Ninotchka (no need to have seen that) with Astaire and Charisse. It's also interesting in that it's roughly the last classic MGM musical, and although they knock the dance numbers out of the park, you can sense that the filmmakers were aware the genre was fading out and tried a little harder to stay relevant instead of merely exulting in the format.
Sam: So it's a curiosity AND a great example of the genre in one.
ThePhan: Oh, right! I remember you mentioning that when I said I was seeing The Band Wagon. I shall add it to my list.
ThePhan: I think I'm going to watch The Exorcist next for the blind spots list.
Sam: I didn't really like the dance numbers in that..
Sam: Ok, there's some impressively freaky choreography in it, but no joy.
ThePhan: Hey, dance isn't always all about joy.
Sam: There should be a joy of craft and process, even if it's absent in the subject.
Sam: Also, that movie forgets the lessons Fred Astaire's movies taught about cinematography. You should do long takes of the whole of the dancers' bodies. But The Exorcist is so fixated on Linda Blair's (puking) head, you seldom if ever see what her feet are doing.
Sam: It's tragic that some of filmdom's best tap dancing sequences were only captured from the neck up.
Sam: ...I got nowhere else to go with this.
I Hereby Christ You
ThePhan: LOL. Someone Facebook posted "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," spread out over several statuses, one word at a time.
ThePhan: However, FB does not always put statuses in order when they show up in my news feed.
ThePhan: I got, "Can I through things strengthens all who do Christ me."
ThePhan: Yay! Now I can through things strengthen you!
ThePhan: However, FB does not always put statuses in order when they show up in my news feed.
ThePhan: I got, "Can I through things strengthens all who do Christ me."
ThePhan: Yay! Now I can through things strengthen you!
A Monk Singing Opera
Randy: I'm watching a monk sing Opera
TalkingDog: That sounds weird.
Randy: It was pretty cool
LaZorra: I just glanced at the buffer and saw, "Randy: I'm watching Monk sing Opera."
TalkingDog: That is what I read at first.
LaZorra: Not only did I think you meant the Tony Shalhoub character, but the capitalization made me think first of teh web browser.
* LaZorra watches House sing Firefox.
TalkingDog: That sounds weird.
Randy: It was pretty cool
LaZorra: I just glanced at the buffer and saw, "Randy: I'm watching Monk sing Opera."
TalkingDog: That is what I read at first.
LaZorra: Not only did I think you meant the Tony Shalhoub character, but the capitalization made me think first of teh web browser.
* LaZorra watches House sing Firefox.
TalkingDog: Also, I burned my finger slightly on the pan. So ow again.
TalkingDog: Ooh. My fingerprint is smoother on that part.
* TalkingDog stares at it.
ThePhan: You burned off your fingerprints! Quick, go commit crimes with one finger!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
TalkingDog: That's a silly-awesome premise for a supervillain. Blankfinger.
Randy: He is....THE FINGER
Randy: Or that
TalkingDog: Maybe a Bond villain.
ThePhan: Goldfinger's cousin.
* LaZorra is Blankfinger's henchmen.
* LaZorra skyllks around.
LaZorra: "Give 'im da finger, boss! Give 'im da finger!"
LaZorra: *henchman
ThePhan: LZ will be ALL the henchmen.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: In my mind, you are Oompa Loompas.
TalkingDog: Your nickname is Digits.
LaZorra: Phan: noooooooooooooo
LaZorra: TD: :D
LaZorra: Oompa LaZorras?
TalkingDog: Loompa-Zoompas!
LaZorra: hahaha
ThePhan: LOL
TalkingDog: Now my evil plan will be to destroy all the pizza.
* ThePhan hides the pizzas that were in her fridge so Blankfinger cannot get them!
TalkingDog: The law will require all pizza to be served with sauerkraut. Then no one will ever order it!
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: ewww
TalkingDog: You might still be able to get some illegal pizza in a bake-easy, but those will be dealt with harshly.
* LaZorra snickers snivelingly in the corner.
TalkingDog: I picture a world in which pepperoni will require a prescription and a background check.
TalkingDog: I should write horror stories.
TalkingDog: Ooh. My fingerprint is smoother on that part.
* TalkingDog stares at it.
ThePhan: You burned off your fingerprints! Quick, go commit crimes with one finger!
LaZorra: LOL LOL
TalkingDog: That's a silly-awesome premise for a supervillain. Blankfinger.
Randy: He is....THE FINGER
Randy: Or that
TalkingDog: Maybe a Bond villain.
ThePhan: Goldfinger's cousin.
* LaZorra is Blankfinger's henchmen.
* LaZorra skyllks around.
LaZorra: "Give 'im da finger, boss! Give 'im da finger!"
LaZorra: *henchman
ThePhan: LZ will be ALL the henchmen.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: In my mind, you are Oompa Loompas.
TalkingDog: Your nickname is Digits.
LaZorra: Phan: noooooooooooooo
LaZorra: TD: :D
LaZorra: Oompa LaZorras?
TalkingDog: Loompa-Zoompas!
LaZorra: hahaha
ThePhan: LOL
TalkingDog: Now my evil plan will be to destroy all the pizza.
* ThePhan hides the pizzas that were in her fridge so Blankfinger cannot get them!
TalkingDog: The law will require all pizza to be served with sauerkraut. Then no one will ever order it!
ThePhan: LOL
Randy: ewww
TalkingDog: You might still be able to get some illegal pizza in a bake-easy, but those will be dealt with harshly.
* LaZorra snickers snivelingly in the corner.
TalkingDog: I picture a world in which pepperoni will require a prescription and a background check.
TalkingDog: I should write horror stories.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Phan's Revenge
Sentynel: LaZ! And other people who joined while I wasn't paying attention!
LaZorra: Translation: "LaZ! And some people I don't care about!"
LaZorra: :-p
* Randy HUGS everyone!
Sentynel: Yes, it's true. I actually don't care about any of you.
Sentynel: (Enough to scroll up and check join times, anyway.)
* Randy un-HUGS Sentynel!
Sentynel: Well, that's me told.
* ThePhan PLAYS N'SYNC AT Sentynel!
ThePhan: That is my revenge for not noticing me.
LaZorra: I don't know if he deserves THAT.
Sentynel: ...
* Sentynel double-checks a copy of the Geneva Convention.
Pot Chicken
* Randy has a pbh sammich
LaZorra: mmm
ThePhan: Uh. Somehow I read that Randy was eating a pot sandwich.
Randy: LOL
Randy: ummm....
Randy: I almost would try pot brownies...but I would in reality probably chicken out.
LaZorra: A pot sandwich does not sound tasty.
ThePhan: What I saw: "I almost would try pot brownies...but I would in reality have pot chicken."
Randy: LOL LOL
Randy: I love you Phan.
ThePhan: Brownie =/= chicken. They are not good substitutes for each other.
Randy: True
Randy: A pot sandwich would probably get all the little leaves or whatever stuck in your teeth.
LaZorra: I just spent far, far too long trying to figure out how you would make pot chicken.
LaZorra: I think it would involve some sort of marinade, with lots of minced pot on top as a garnish.
Randy: LaZ: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Sarah suggests it would be just chicken pot pie without the top crust.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: That would be chicken pot, not pot chicken.
ThePhan: Served upside down?
LaZorra: mmm
ThePhan: Uh. Somehow I read that Randy was eating a pot sandwich.
Randy: LOL
Randy: ummm....
Randy: I almost would try pot brownies...but I would in reality probably chicken out.
LaZorra: A pot sandwich does not sound tasty.
ThePhan: What I saw: "I almost would try pot brownies...but I would in reality have pot chicken."
Randy: LOL LOL
Randy: I love you Phan.
ThePhan: Brownie =/= chicken. They are not good substitutes for each other.
Randy: True
Randy: A pot sandwich would probably get all the little leaves or whatever stuck in your teeth.
LaZorra: I just spent far, far too long trying to figure out how you would make pot chicken.
LaZorra: I think it would involve some sort of marinade, with lots of minced pot on top as a garnish.
Randy: LaZ: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Sarah suggests it would be just chicken pot pie without the top crust.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: That would be chicken pot, not pot chicken.
ThePhan: Served upside down?
Ticia's Changing Identity
(I had posted a Facebook status quoting Ticia, among others, and Lirelyn decided to come into chat because of it.)
Lirelyn: Hi Ticia! You are partially responsible for my being here!
Ticia: I just read that! Hahaha
Ticia: I'm just psyched that I made it into Phan's facebook status...
ThePhan: Ticia: Now you are famous.
Ticia: o.O
Ticia: Does wintermute know?
Ticia: Does this mean I have to move to Ohio?
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: Now you are Stephen and you win.
Ticia: Dang it, I don't want to be married to my own sister. Gross.
Ticia: I do like winning, though...
Randy: She's not that Mormon!
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by Randy.
Randy has left.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Lirelyn: LOL
Lirelyn: Hi Ticia! You are partially responsible for my being here!
Ticia: I just read that! Hahaha
Ticia: I'm just psyched that I made it into Phan's facebook status...
ThePhan: Ticia: Now you are famous.
Ticia: o.O
Ticia: Does wintermute know?
Ticia: Does this mean I have to move to Ohio?
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: Now you are Stephen and you win.
Ticia: Dang it, I don't want to be married to my own sister. Gross.
Ticia: I do like winning, though...
Randy: She's not that Mormon!
[RinkChat] User Randy has been kicked from the room by Randy.
Randy has left.
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Lirelyn: LOL
Introverts vs. Extroverts
Dave: There sure are a lot of books about introverts.
Randy: Well, what else are they going to do? Go outside?
Ticia: That's because the extroverts don't know how to read.
Ticia: *zing*
Ticia: Just kidding. They just never sit still long enough to write a book.
Randy: hehe
* Ticia finds it interesting that Randy made fun of introverts and she went for the opposite. lol
Randy: Well, what else are they going to do? Go outside?
Ticia: That's because the extroverts don't know how to read.
Ticia: *zing*
Ticia: Just kidding. They just never sit still long enough to write a book.
Randy: hehe
* Ticia finds it interesting that Randy made fun of introverts and she went for the opposite. lol
Opening People
ThePhan: My recent weird dream - I dreamed that my housemate who's sharing a bed with me made a weird clanking sound whenever she rolled over. So I opened her up and discovered she was full of screws, and was perfectly satisfied that this was a logical explanation.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: exactly did you open her up?
Sentynel: Just whip out a kitchen knife and go for some surgery?
ThePhan: I don't remember that part.
ThePhan: But I think it was something like that, yes.
ThePhan: I feel like it might have been simpler, though. Like maybe she had a hinge.
Goosey: Like Laz opens a widow.
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Whenever LaZ and I hang out together, we spend most of our time opening up other people.
Sentynel: One wonders if the hinge and being full of screws are related.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Sent: Very possibly.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: exactly did you open her up?
Sentynel: Just whip out a kitchen knife and go for some surgery?
ThePhan: I don't remember that part.
ThePhan: But I think it was something like that, yes.
ThePhan: I feel like it might have been simpler, though. Like maybe she had a hinge.
Goosey: Like Laz opens a widow.
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Whenever LaZ and I hang out together, we spend most of our time opening up other people.
Sentynel: One wonders if the hinge and being full of screws are related.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: Sent: Very possibly.
A Lot of Movies
Sentynel: You know what's annoying me today? YouTube have changed the Flash player so it won't buffer more than about a minute.
TalkingDog: Switching to 360 seems to let it download ahead, for me. As long as 360 is good enough.
TalkingDog: Otherwise, I'd download the video instead.
Sentynel: TD: That's the only one that I can load in a reasonable time anyway.
Kysle: Woah. There's movies on the internet, now?
TalkingDog: I can do 480 when our connection isn't under attack from Nidhoggr the Net Serpent.
Sentynel: I can stream 360 in real time on a good day.
ThePhan: "Woah. There's movies on the internet, now?" "I can stream 360 in real time on a good day." THAT IS A LOT OF MOVIES
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Yeah, I watch 30 movies at once.
Sentynel: I have a lot of monitors.
TalkingDog: Switching to 360 seems to let it download ahead, for me. As long as 360 is good enough.
TalkingDog: Otherwise, I'd download the video instead.
Sentynel: TD: That's the only one that I can load in a reasonable time anyway.
Kysle: Woah. There's movies on the internet, now?
TalkingDog: I can do 480 when our connection isn't under attack from Nidhoggr the Net Serpent.
Sentynel: I can stream 360 in real time on a good day.
ThePhan: "Woah. There's movies on the internet, now?" "I can stream 360 in real time on a good day." THAT IS A LOT OF MOVIES
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Yeah, I watch 30 movies at once.
Sentynel: I have a lot of monitors.
[Goosey->ThePhan] So yesterday in my facebook ticker I saw a friend commented on somebody else's post, quoting a scripture that started "And Jesus said until them, Take heed . . .(etc)" I don't remember the rest of the scriptureBut in the ticker it was truncated to "And Jesus said until them, Ta ..." and my tired brain last night finished it with "Ta-Da!" [Goosey->ThePhan] *unto [ThePhan->Goosey] LOL LOL [Goosey->ThePhan] :D [Goosey->ThePhan] *turns water into wine* "Ta-Da!" [Goosey->ThePhan] *makes the blind to see* "Ta-Da!" [ThePhan->Goosey] That would have been awesome. [Goosey->ThePhan] *Thomas feels the marks in Christ's hands* "Ta-DA!" [Goosey->ThePhan] *outside the garden tomb* "Mary." "Lord!" "TA=DA!" |
Friday, June 22, 2012
Bad Head Hanger
Randy: I don't know what this is
TalkingDog: Ambigrams are fun, but not when you can't actually read them.
Randy: Right?
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
Sam: Possibly that tattoo came from this site, which generates similarly unreadable ambigrams.
Sam: Seriously, if that's the best you can do, don't even bother.
ThePhan has left.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: Heh. When I revolved back in, the first thing I saw was Sam saying, "Seriously, if that's the best you can do, don't even bother," and I thought he was referring to my feeble attempts to stay in chat.
Sam: YUP.
* ThePhan hangs her head in shame.
Sam: Bad head hanger.
* ThePhan doesn't even bother.
Randy: awwww
Sam: (Now is that "Bad (Head Hanger)" or "(Bad Head) Hanger"?)
ThePhan: Well, it depends on whether my head is also bad on its own or whether I'm just bad at hanging it.
Sam: Maybe you hang other people's bad heads.
ThePhan: That is a very different career path than I had planned for myself.
TalkingDog: Your hand at the level of your eyes!
ThePhan: TD: LOL
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Please have a birthday muffin now. They contain no arsenic.' by LaZorra.
LaZorra: You know, the best way to freak people out is to emphasize the things that are true.
LaZorra: These muffins contain no arsenic!
LaZorra: This car has never been involved in a hit-and-run!
goldfishy: LaZorra is dangerous!
* Sentynel eats the muffins in small quantities, so if they do contain arsenic he builds up a tolerance.
* LaZorra is a little fluffy ball of innocence, what do you mean?
* ThePhan builds up a tolerance to muffins.
LaZorra: LOL
Sentynel: Phan: That would be awful.
goldfishy: There is nothing innocent about your fluffliness
ThePhan: ...I broke a 2-hour idle to say *that*?
LaZorra: Phan: I figured you'd been working on it all this time.
ThePhan: LOL
LaZorra: goldie: Things that are fluffly are by nature innocent. I think.
ThePhan: Yeah. Long before you guys actually were talking about muffins with arsenci.
ThePhan: Or "arsenic," as it is more commonly known.
ThePhan: Sometimes I use an ancient Mayan word instead of an English one by mistake.
wintermute: Arse-science?
goldfishy: Isn't that a proctologist?
* ThePhan is in a supremely silly mood after her de-idle, apparently.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'If the arsenic doesn't kill you, the muffins will.' by LaZorra.
LaZorra: wm: I think I'd rather eat arsenic muffins than proctology muffins.
Sentynel: "Man, your muffins are crap." "Yeah." "..."
ThePhan: I feel like proctology muffins are given to you to eat and distract you during medical exams.
goldfishy: Exam like writing on paper or exam like "I'm going to poke you up the bum now"
ThePhan: I was thinking the latter.
wintermute: Both, simultaniously.
ThePhan: You don't want to be distracted by muffins during the first.
goldfishy: I thought you said you dont want to distract the muffins and I hadn't really considered how traumatic poking a muffin up the bum might be to it
wintermute: Muffin suppositories?
goldfishy: Nono poking the muffin up its own bum
Deliciousness Conspiracy
LaZorra: My coworker apparently had a friend in college who was not entirely right in the head, and decided that the warning to not eat silica gel packets was a ruse by the government to keep citizens from deliciousness.
TalkingDog: wha?
LaZorra: According to her, he hoarded them until he had a pile, and then ate them.
LaZorra: He was quite disappointed.
goldfishy: Why would they give them out if they were delicious? Surely they would just hoard them away?
* goldfishy overthinks the situation
LaZorra: One would think, but I'm not sure logic was this individual's primary concern.
goldfishy: Did they die?
LaZorra: Er, 'scuse me.
LaZorra: /hulkmodeoff
goldfishy: You would be too
Wifi Drivers
Sentynel: I had my system start randomly freezing a while back, until I worked out by chance it was the wifi drivers playing up.
TalkingDog: Wifi drivers should not be allowed to cause freezing.
ThePhan: LOL LOL. OK, my brain is gone.
ThePhan: "Wifi drivers should not be allowed to cause freezing" became interpreted in my mind as "People who drive while using the Internet shouldn't be allow to change the weather and make it cold."
Sentynel: Phan: LOL
Sentynel: Well, I agree, meddling with the weather like that is just irresponsible.
Buying Children
After a long hiatus, I'm backish!
* Goosey did however buy some adorable candleholders that match her bathroom for the purpose of holding cotton swabs and cotton balls.
LaZorra: I read "children" instead of "candleholders."
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: I was picturing Goosey keeping a couple of small orphans in her bathroom to offer her toiletries.
LaZorra: Like some twisted version of Oliver.
Randy: Please sir, take some more toilet paper
Goosey: LOL LOL
wintermute: Goosey: You should totally do that.
Goosey: I don't think they'd fit on my counter.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: The return policy on orphans is killer, too, so you want to make sure they are the proper size when you get them.
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey did however buy some adorable candleholders that match her bathroom for the purpose of holding cotton swabs and cotton balls.
LaZorra: I read "children" instead of "candleholders."
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: I was picturing Goosey keeping a couple of small orphans in her bathroom to offer her toiletries.
LaZorra: Like some twisted version of Oliver.
Randy: Please sir, take some more toilet paper
Goosey: LOL LOL
wintermute: Goosey: You should totally do that.
Goosey: I don't think they'd fit on my counter.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: The return policy on orphans is killer, too, so you want to make sure they are the proper size when you get them.
Goosey: LOL
Saturday, May 19, 2012
As before, posted with only teeny bits of context. And sometimes none at all.
Randy: MOXIE |
[Randy->LaZorra, ThePhan] this!/OmniZ815/status/196690044646465537/photo/1 is awesome. |
SirDude: Random thought: "Senile" and "wizard" are two words you never want to hear describing the same person. |
TalkingDog: Like this guy? |
LaZorra: This is beautiful: |
LaZorra: Heavy artistic license, but man. |
goldfishy: Oh man I love this: |
Sentynel: ... |
Randy: best. rollerskating ad. EVER |
Goosey: This is freaking awesome |
Randy: LOL!/BradBaileyGTR/status/198205419544518658/photo/1 |
wintermute: |
wintermute: Hehe: |
Randy: oooh |
wintermute: |
wintermute: That could be the best monster/civil war game since Yetisburg. |
wintermute: |
Randy: LOL |
Randy: Oh man |
Kysle: Baby cthuhlhu: |
Randy: |
Randy: LOL |
Sentynel: This is sorta interesting. It's like a hipster Google. It removes the most popular websites from the results. |
Sentynel: Oh dear me, it's Yodalling. |
Sentynel: No words. |
Randy: |
Sentynel: Okay, this is awesome. |
Sentynel: Wow. Nothing like a rational debate. |
iwpg: |
LaZorra: ...Owl City covered In Christ Alone?! |
LaZorra: How did I not know they did Christian stuff? |
ThePhan: Say wha? |
LaZorra: |
Sentynel: Leen: I just finished watching all six of those videos you linked the first of a couple of hours ago. OUCH. |
Goosey: ouch videos? |
Sentynel: Goosey: Language, schadenfreude and Darwin Award candidate warnings. |
Goosey: fishy: here, read a cute/sad story about a doggy |
Blogging From My Memory
Randy: Has a baby ever projectile vomited on you?
Leen: lol!
ThePhan: Not once.
ThePhan: Which is totally OK with me.
Leen: Really? Wow!
ThePhan: Actually, I'm surprised that hasn't happened to me, given how many little siblings I had. I've never been vomited on or peed on by a baby.
Leen: Indeed.
ThePhan: Unless I've blogged it from my memory.
Leen: That is shocking.
Leen: LOL
Leen: I'm not sure how you managed that.
Sentynel: I guess putting it on the internet removes it from your own mind.
LaZorra: Phan: You can blog FROM YOUR MIND?!
* ThePhan just came back to the window and noticed what she wrote.
Leen: hehehe
ThePhan: Yes. Once I blog things from memory, they have no longer happened.
Randy: LOL
Mouth Time Machine
ThePhan: Ha, also, since you didn't see this on Facebook, this is the discussion we had during tonight's dinner date, and which has continued in even more detail on Facebook: What would it be like if your mouth could reverse time? Like if you put food in your mouth and it got younger and younger until it reverted back to its original ingredients? What kind of implications would this have?
ThePhan: But with everything, not just food. My favorite implications with this included eating raisins (he gave me the image of a baby shoving like 30 raisins in its mouth and then freaking out when the raisins suddenly doubled in size as they turned into grapes), throwing up (I said something about being sick, and then we both said at the same time, "BUT THEN IT WOULD TURN BACK INTO FOOD") and sucking your thumb (a child with this power who did this would always have a baby thumb, even as a grown adult).
LaZorra: You could neverr kiss anyone, either.
ThePhan: Well, we decided it really only worked if something was IN your mouth, not just touching it. So he pointed out that kissing wouldn't necessarily do that unless there was tongue action, in which case you would youngify their tongues.
LaZorra: Man, THAT would be creepy, LOL.
ThePhan: RIGHT?
LaZorra: Wait, would it work on YOUR OWN TONGUE?
LaZorra: You'd be losing your baby teeth FOREVER.
LaZorra: And just think of getting braces. Eventually, the metal would turn back into ore, which would turn back into rock. YOU WOULD HAVE BOULDERS IN YOUR MOUTH.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: I am going to collect the discussions on FB and here about it and post them all on my blog.
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: I wonder about juice, too. Would it turn back into chunks of fruit?
ThePhan: Yeah, I think so. And if you then kept it in there longer, the fruit would turn back to seeds.
LaZorra: My brain is spinning.
ThePhan: My sister Rebekah ended up with this WEIRD idea where you could eat fish and then feed guests caviar that you made in your own mouth.
ThePhan: If she thinks this is acceptable party host etiquette, I am NEVER going to a party she hosts.
ThePhan: She insists it's OK because she wouldn't TELL them that's where it came from.
LaZorra: LOL LOL
LaZorra: Uhm, yeaaaaah, suuuuure...
LaZorra: I was just thinking about language. We'd all think in the modern version of English but end up speaking like William Shatner.
LaZorra: William SHAKESPEARE
LaZorra: William Shatner takes so long to speak that he'd probably end up sounding like Beowulf.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
ThePhan: William Shakespeare climbeth a mountain. Why climbeth Shakespeare a mountain?
LaZorra: LOL!
ThePhan: Ticia just gave me almost 7000 ponies in Turntable.
Randy: ponies?
ThePhan: Well, OK, she might have been announcing that I had 6696 points, but she was typing with a child in her arms and said "poinys."
Randy: LOL
Nyperold: They'd better be little ponies, or you're not going to bave space in which to keep them.
Ticia: :-P
Ticia: They're MY little ponies. You can't have them!
Star Wars Questions
ThePhan: Heh. My boyfriend is a nerd. He recently got a lightsaber as a present from his family, and he brought it along on our walk and kept hitting bushes and trees with it and talking about how much he loves it.
TalkingDog: I want a lightsaber!
Randy: yeah, me too
TalkingDog: What color did he get?
TalkingDog: I want blue.
ThePhan: TD: Blue. But he also has a red one at home that he has informed me he's bringing back so we can fight together.
TalkingDog: Woo!
TalkingDog: "Darth Phan" could be a good Sith name.
TalkingDog: I wonder where Luke learned to make a lightsaber.
Maryam: He went to the library?
TalkingDog: Maybe. But the Emperor had wiped out all recorded knowledge of the Force by that point. Or so I heard.
Randy: I think the books about the in-between the movie stuff mentions holocubes or something.
Maryam: I wonder why they don't have a blue Luke one available.
TalkingDog: Luke's blue saber was Anakin's.
Maryam: Oh, that's a good point.
SirDude: I feel like I could be contributing something if I knew more about Star Wars
LaZorra: What I want to know is how he ended up with a normal name like "Luke."
TalkingDog: Hehe.
LaZorra: Or maybe that sounds really exotic in the Star Wars universe.
Maryam: The fewer syllables for Padme to gasp out while dying, the better.
Maryam: It's just coincidental it sounds like an Earth name.
LaZorra: haha
Maryam: Or maybe she was trying to say, "Look, quit bothering me with those squalling kids and get me some treatment here."
Maryam: But all she could get out was a weird-sounding "Look".
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: He got off lucky. If she had gotten further into her sentence, his name could have been Lukewitbawthor.
Maryam: LOL
Saturday, May 5, 2012
OK, I'm going to do this other new thing that's not really about RinkQuotes, but it's connected. As I read through transcripts to find quotes, frequently I find links to cool other sites and I bookmark them all to watch or look at later. We Rinkies share a lot of links. So as I go through transcripts, I'm just going to start a list of links people shared in chat. No commentary from me, just a list of the links people shared that they thought others might find interesting. Maybe more people will find them interesting here, as well.
No links to personal-life stuff, or links that are given solely as examples in conversations and not particularly interesting on their own. Other than that, I'm not sorting through these or making them look nice, just giving the lines of chat they originally came from.
Oh, and final disclaimer: I realize some of these are a bit outdated, because the transcripts I take them from are frequently from a while back. But some of these I hadn't looked at then, so they were new to me now and I'm sure will be new to a few others as well.
OK. Enough disclaimers. You will never see those again. On to the new segment.
Dave: And then, using his SUPER POWERS! HE ESCAPED!
Sam: hahah
Sam: Best part of that was how at the end of each episode, all the kids would be like, "Oh no! How's he gonna get out of this one!?"
Sam: Why, using his SUPER POWERS!
Sam: Oh, yay! Whoooo! Yay!!
wintermute: Huh. There are two steampunk settings for Pathfinder being Kickstarted right now.
wintermute: and
Sentynel: EWWWWWWWWWWWW (NSFS: unclean sink)
Randy: TP: you need that.
Sentynel: The longer I spend on, the more tempted I become to answer the stupid questions with this:
Sentynel: Where the heck did that come from? $2.6 million already. Wow.
TalkingDog: i am bored
Goosey: TD: Um, read a crazy rp story?
Randy: WANT
Sentynel: This is amazing in so, so many ways.
Sentynel: Homeopathic hilarity of the day!
Dave: This is pretty interesting, yo:
Goosey: This is a real toy, guys. Category: WHY?
Goosey: LOL!!!!
Goosey: That's incredible.
Goosey: Watch it. It's funny, and involves cute animals.
Sentynel: Best. Idea. Ever.
Goosey: hahaha
ThePhan: It's the chocolate Goosey sent me! It has chocolate and peanuts and a taste I hadn't eaten in so long I'd forgotten what they tasted like so I didn't realize until I looked at the wrapper that I was eating raisins, but even though I don't eat raisins very often, they're pretty good in this chocolate!
Sentynel: That's a heck of a run-on sentence.
ThePhan: Yeah, that run-on sentence about raisins just reminded me of... hold on, let me find it...
ThePhan: This. It makes me think of this.
Maryam: I love this cake from today's Cake Wrecks.
Randy: dude
Sentynel: Okay, I'm going to link something that is in many ways extremely disturbing, and in others uplifting, because I think it's important. Don't click it if you don't want to cry. (There's a little bad language and stuff too.)
Sentynel: This is an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit with one of the survivors of Utøya.
Sentynel: Clever and pretty.
LaZorra: I have reached the end of the internet:
Sentynel: This is scary.
wintermute: - #11 is just jaw-dropping.
Sentynel: "Burglar identified on CCTV by his dance moves."
TalkingDog: (
No links to personal-life stuff, or links that are given solely as examples in conversations and not particularly interesting on their own. Other than that, I'm not sorting through these or making them look nice, just giving the lines of chat they originally came from.
Oh, and final disclaimer: I realize some of these are a bit outdated, because the transcripts I take them from are frequently from a while back. But some of these I hadn't looked at then, so they were new to me now and I'm sure will be new to a few others as well.
OK. Enough disclaimers. You will never see those again. On to the new segment.
Dave: And then, using his SUPER POWERS! HE ESCAPED!
Sam: hahah
Sam: Best part of that was how at the end of each episode, all the kids would be like, "Oh no! How's he gonna get out of this one!?"
Sam: Why, using his SUPER POWERS!
Sam: Oh, yay! Whoooo! Yay!!
wintermute: Huh. There are two steampunk settings for Pathfinder being Kickstarted right now.
wintermute: and
Sentynel: EWWWWWWWWWWWW (NSFS: unclean sink)
Randy: TP: you need that.
Sentynel: The longer I spend on, the more tempted I become to answer the stupid questions with this:
Sentynel: Where the heck did that come from? $2.6 million already. Wow.
TalkingDog: i am bored
Goosey: TD: Um, read a crazy rp story?
Randy: WANT
Sentynel: This is amazing in so, so many ways.
Sentynel: Homeopathic hilarity of the day!
Dave: This is pretty interesting, yo:
Goosey: This is a real toy, guys. Category: WHY?
Goosey: LOL!!!!
Goosey: That's incredible.
Goosey: Watch it. It's funny, and involves cute animals.
Sentynel: Best. Idea. Ever.
Goosey: hahaha
ThePhan: It's the chocolate Goosey sent me! It has chocolate and peanuts and a taste I hadn't eaten in so long I'd forgotten what they tasted like so I didn't realize until I looked at the wrapper that I was eating raisins, but even though I don't eat raisins very often, they're pretty good in this chocolate!
Sentynel: That's a heck of a run-on sentence.
ThePhan: Yeah, that run-on sentence about raisins just reminded me of... hold on, let me find it...
ThePhan: This. It makes me think of this.
Maryam: I love this cake from today's Cake Wrecks.
Randy: dude
Sentynel: Okay, I'm going to link something that is in many ways extremely disturbing, and in others uplifting, because I think it's important. Don't click it if you don't want to cry. (There's a little bad language and stuff too.)
Sentynel: This is an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit with one of the survivors of Utøya.
Sentynel: Clever and pretty.
LaZorra: I have reached the end of the internet:
Sentynel: This is scary.
wintermute: - #11 is just jaw-dropping.
Sentynel: "Burglar identified on CCTV by his dance moves."
TalkingDog: (
Traveling By Post
ThePhan: So a LOT more people than I expected like my status about today being six months since Jacob and I went official. I texted him: "Holy crap. 20 people so far have liked my FB status about our halfyeariversary. I think we have a fan club."
wintermute: Phan: You should be on G+, so I can also like your relationship.
ThePhan: wm: Every once in awhile I wander over there a post something. But there are only like 3 people on there who aren't more active on Facebook. Heh.
ThePhan: *and post
LaZorra: She wanders over on a post.
ThePhan: Traveling by post is the way to go.
wintermute: From pillar to post?
LaZorra: This explains the postmarks all over your face.
Musical Theater Nerd
ThePhan: So I'm watching the newest episode of Don't Trust the B--- in Apartment 23 (haven't made my mind up about whether or not I like it yet. It's sometimes really funny and sometimes just dumb).
Goosey: sitcom?
ThePhan: James Van Der Beek plays himself in it and is complaining that everyone just associates him with Dawson.
ThePhan: Yeah.
ThePhan: Only like 2 episodes exist so far. Heh. Brand new/
ThePhan: Anyway. He's complaining about it and yells, "I'm more than just one character! I was the original Gavroche in Les Mis!"
ThePhan: My thoughts went as follows:
Goosey: lol
ThePhan: "What? No, he wasn't. That was Braden Danner."
ThePhan: "Unless he meant the London cast? But, no, that was Oliver Spencer."
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: "...Oh. Wait. I bet they made that up. Because nobody is supposed to know the actual real answer."
ThePhan: "I AM A NERD."
Goosey: hahahahaha
The Third Mountain
LaZorra: Also in completely unrelated news I vote we start our Rinkie commune here:
* TalkingDog steals all the snow.
Leen: Yeah, I'm sick of snow.
Leen: It is pretty, though.
ThePhan: I will teach theater on the third mountain.
LaZorra: It would be pretty awesome to address your mail to "The Phan, The Third Mountain, Frisco, CO."
ThePhan: I'm pretty sure if I taught theater on a random mountain in Colorado, all guru-like, I *would* just call myself "The Phan" all the time.
ThePhan: Way more mysterious and sage-ish.
LaZorra: aaaarizona
ThePhan: LZ: Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain?
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: Dave: No, no, they don't have hurricanes on the plains. You're htinkinf of tornatidoes.
ThePhan: He's what of what?
Randy: LOL LOL
LaZorra: He's...htinkinf. Come on, you htink all the time.
ThePhan: "Tornatidoes" sounds kind of adorable.
ThePhan: "Who's a cute little tornatido? You are! Yes, you are!"
LaZorra: LOL
TalkingDog: I thought it sounded like some new made-up Mexican food Taco Bell would put out.
Dave: You say tornatidoes, I say tornado!
Death Row for Bad Boxes
Randy: I moved boxes all day. Woo
goldfishy: That sounds very exciting
Randy: hehe
Randy: It was ok. We are trying to sort stuff so the boxes that are going to be destroyed this year are all together, then next year, and so on
goldfishy: Why are you destroying the boxes?
Randy: They are files from different places, and after we scan them in we destroy the physical files within a certain amount of time so it won't take up all the space we have.
goldfishy: Ah
goldfishy: I was imagining a sort of death row for bad boxes
goldfishy: Ones who didn't hold their contents properly or didn't protect them enough
Randy: I think the companies we get them from set the dates for whatever reason.
goldfishy: And for some horrible reason you make them wait to go to their doom
Randy: LOL
goldfishy: And never once considered the fact that the boxes might have something in them
13 Billion
ThePhan: FB friend posts: "There's plenty of fish in the sea..." "That's cool and all, but I'm human."
ThePhan: Friend of FB friend responds: "'There is an estimated 13 billion people in the world and it is likely that you will meet someone else' better?"
Randy: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: I'm curious which world THEY'RE from.
Sentynel: As there's seven billion on mine.
ThePhan: ...13 billion?
Dave: Yeah, that's a lot of billions.
TalkingDog: They're counting mermaids.
ThePhan: LOL LOL. I commented on it and said, "How are there 13 billion people in the world? Did we all get cloned and not know it?"
ThePhan: Response: "Its called population growth and I didn't know it was that difficult a concept"
Sentynel: LOL
Sentynel: The population has grown REALLY fast in the last, like, few months or something, evidently.
ThePhan: LOL LOL. He's just responded again: "Sorry apparently its 6 billion. And that my peers is why you don't trust wikipedia."
Dave: Wow yeah, that's a lot of people to just show up suddenly.
Sentynel: I'm somewhat curious where exactly on Wikipedia he was looking.
Dave: Can you imagine throwing a party for 7 billion and 13 billion show up instead? You'd really need to make some more dip.
Sentynel: As the rather obvious "world population" page says in the first line "The world population is the sum of all humans on Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 7.007 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB)."
ThePhan: Dave: LOL
ThePhan: Sent: Sometimes 7.007 looks like 13 to me, too.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
ChaCha Questions
ThePhan: ChaCha question: "What is the average consumption per person in the U.S.A in the year 1977?"
ThePhan: Average consumption of...?
ThePhan: Everything?
TalkingDog: Gravel.
Sam: Diagnoses of consumption.
Ticia: Spiders
ThePhan: "what dye can you use to make KoolAid last a day"
TalkingDog: Wha?
ThePhan: If you put dye in your Kool-Aid it lasts longer?
ThePhan: Does Kool-Aid go *bad*?
TalkingDog: I think so, but it's never lasted long enough for it to happen here.
Sam: LOL!
Sam: Pretty sure KoolAid lasts a day and longer on its own.
ThePhan: Ohhh, I think they're asking about mixing dye with Kool-Aid to dye your hair.
ThePhan: To which the answer is pretty much, "Use whatever dye you want. How long it lasts depends on the condition of your hair."
Sam: TP: Respond by saying who's playing Gavroche in the new Les Mis.
ThePhan: LOL LOL
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Cheeseburger Salad
Dave: Cheesburger salad is pretty good.
Nyperold: Is that just the normal ingredients of a cheeseburger, without the bun?
Dave: It's just a cheeseburger, on a bed of lettuce.
Goosey: Sounds delicious.
Dave: I was making burgers for dinner, and thought I ought to have some veggies too. So I threw some lettuce on the plate and called that good.
Sam: Leen is cracking up. She says, "That's such a Dave thing to do."
Getting Jokes
Dave: One time I told a friend of mine that Department of Redundancy Department joke, and he didn't laugh. So hey, not the best joke, oh well.
Dave: Almost a year later he hears the same joke from a teacher and comes and tells it to me. I'm like "Yeah, that's a good one... But didn't I tell you that joke awhile ago?"
Dave: He was like "Oh, it's only funny if you know what 'redundancy' means!"
Dave: ...
ThePhan: Heh.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: There was a girl I traveled with who... erm... was not the brightest. So I frequently made jokes or snarky comments that she just didn't get.
Goosey: hahaha
ThePhan: One day I was goofing off with a group of girls at a camp, and she came up to me and said, "Whoa! Hannah! I didn't know you were funny!"
ThePhan: My friend Jessica, whose sense of humor matches mine very closely, responded, "Actually, about 90% of what she says is funny. You just have to know what she's talking about."
ThePhan: ...Which could have offended her if she had understood what Jessica was implying with that.
ThePhan: But she didn't. So it didn't.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Dave: If you liked that joke BEFORE I knew what it meant, you'll LOVE it now that I do!!
* Sam only figures 80% of what Hannah says is funny.
* Sam suddenly fears what that says about him. 8-o
Goosey: lol
* Sam writes a script to aggregate all of ThePhan's non-funny lines and furiously tries to decipher the humor in half of them.
Goosey: hahaha
Dave: Sam: I don't know about you, but I laugh hysterically every time she says anything.
Sam: Oh no!!!
ThePhan: Well, I certainly wouldn't have guessed 90% either, which may mean I don't get my own jokes.
ThePhan: My humor is too intellectual for me.
* Sam points at ThePhan and laughs.
Goosey: LOL
Dave: It's only funny if you understand what "intellectual" means!
Sam: NOW I get it!
Ticia: Did I tell you guys that Don bought squaw bread the other day and I laughed?
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
Dave: I don't get it.
Sam: You have to know what "day" means.
* Randy rocks
* goldfishy Spocks
* Maryam locks (and loads)
* Goosey flocks
* Randy Wakka Flokka Flames
* ThePhan mocks. Everyone.
Dave: Sam: I thought it was funnier than you did, because I understand words.
Clueless Noob
LaZorra: oh look it is a sam hi sam hi hi hi sam hi
LaZorra: sam hi
TalkingDog: hi
TalkingDog: ...
LaZorra: hi talkingdog are you a dog hi dog
TalkingDog: hi
Randy: hi
LaZorra: hi
Randy: dog?
* TalkingDog doesn't even remember which clueless noob is he parodying.
LaZorra: TD: LOL, you rang *very* faint bells for me, but I couldn't remember either.
TalkingDog: All I really remember now is Sam saying something like "I believe we've successfully navigated the greeting portion of this conversation," followed by the other person saying "hi" again.
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: LOL
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