(My sister Bethany was going to join up with NLDC, the drama company I worked with for a year, and had just made it to their headquarters in Tennessee that morning.)
ThePhan: So my sister Bethany just got to homebase - she's traveling with NLDC for a year - and they made her the financer.
ThePhan: That's like the second-in-command.
Randy: TP: That is AWESOME
ThePhan: Randy: It IS.
Ticia: ThePhan: LOL, I thought you were talking about your sisters... romantic life.
Ticia: *sister's
Randy: hahaha!
Ticia: I'm all "She got to homebase?" whut?
ThePhan: I'm still giggling.
ThePhan: I didn't even think of it being taken that way.
ThePhan: That's awesome.