Friday, January 20, 2012

Charlie the Unicorn Forever

ThePhan: LaZorra, I thought you were asleep. I was going to /memo you Jacob's response. But now I won't.
LaZorra: phan why do you shun meeeee
LaZorra: :-(
Randy: Shhhuuuun
Randy: Shun the unbeliever!
Maryam: Shun the unbeliever!
LaZorra: Oh my gosh, I haven't thought about THAT in forever.
ThePhan: Shun the... yes.
Randy: haha!
TalkingDog: Nice.
Goosey: I do not know this joke.
Sentynel: Goosey: Seriously?

(Later, talking about piano playing)

Sentynel: Finding a piece I actually wanted to play like that is what got me back into playing a couple of years ago.
Sentynel: Hell, it got me more into playing than I'd ever been as a child taking lessons.
Maryam: Was it something from Battlestar Galactica?
Sentynel: Yeah/
Sentynel: This.
Goosey: Seriously. I want a real piano, not a keyboard, and I want a house so I'll have room for it.
Sentynel: Which is, fortunately for my getting back into the piano, significantly easier to play than that Pirates arrangement. I'm sure I'd have given up on that very quickly.
Sentynel: The best electric pianos are as good as a real one, now, and cheaper and a lot easier to look after.
Maryam: I used to love playing, but I had a very small repertoire which eventually dwindled to my favorite piece, a moderately impressive one that I would pretend to be surprised about when people complimented me for playing it.
Sentynel: Although we're still talking thousands.
Maryam: Yeah, this was back in the awkward teenage years...
Sentynel: I can play, like, three pieces properly from memory, and one fairly well with the music for some bits, which I'm still very much working on ( this one).
Maryam: Sent: So the piece from BSG that got you back into playing was Charlie the Unicorn?
Sentynel: Er.
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Clipboard fail.
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: He's very much working on it, anyway.
Sentynel: My second link was that AS WELL.
Sentynel: Why was Charlie even IN my clipboard?
Sentynel: I didn't copy that link.
Sentynel: THERE
Maryam: You typed it by hand?
TalkingDog: ahahahahaha
Sentynel: And there.
TalkingDog: me ded
Sentynel: Maryam: Er. I posted it in the first place, didn't i?
Sentynel: Maybe I did copy it.
Sentynel: I'd guess I put Charlie into the main clipboard, and the subsequent link was only in the selection clipboard.
Sentynel: But I was sure I copied the other links.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'GET OUT OF MY CLIPBOARD CHARLIE' by TalkingDog.

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