Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Quest for Skye (As Performed By Rinkies)

Goosey: PHAN if there is ever another RU, you must put together a small QFS script and we'll all act it!
Sentynel: LOL LOL LOL
Sentynel: That is AMAZING.
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL that would be amazing.
10Kan: Oh gosh, this is like the Eye of Argon game.
* 10Kan volunteers to read Skye's lines in the lowest, rumbliest voice he can muster.
Goosey: hahaha
TalkingDog: If you talk into a Pringles can, you'll sound like Vader.
Goosey: hahahaha
Sentynel: As the proud owner of a British accent, I believe I'm qualified to play the villains.
10Kan: The Greek villains. Perfect.
ThePhan: Sent: It's hard to tell who the villains *are* in this book, but I believe you'd be playing Every Greek Citizen.
Sentynel: Phan: Pretty much, yes.
Sentynel: This has the extra bonus that I will have to attempt the lines about hacking with a straight face.
Sentynel: Which is basically guaranteed to end hilariously.
* 10Kan giggles.
ThePhan: LOL
Goosey: Hahahah

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