Friday, March 7, 2014


ThePhan: p
ThePhan: Jacob said that one.
ThePhan: I guess he was feeling left out or something.
Randy: lol
ThePhan: I said that and he gave a deep, sad sigh.
Maryam: Or maybe he really has to go to the bathroom and thought he had to ask your permission.
Maryam: Or the whole room's permission.
ThePhan: p?
ThePhan: (He says.)
Maryam: Everyone vote on whether Jacob can go to the bathroom!
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: vote p
Randy: I
Maryam: Oops. Not unanimous. Sorry, Jacob.
Randy: hahahaha
ThePhan: Guys, if he really has to go and he doesn't go to the bathroom, he's going to end up doing it on the couch that I'm sitting on.
ThePhan: And that's not OK.
sessie: LOL
* iwpg is giggling continuously.

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