Thursday, November 1, 2012


Goosey: Sent how old were you when you joined rinkchat here?
Sentynel: Goosey: It was the summer after my first year of uni, so I was 18/turning 19.
Goosey: told you Ticia
Goosey: Ticia's thinking of somebody else who joined REALLY young
Randy: Revan?
Goosey: Silon she says
Randy: Oh yeah, he was like 7.
Sentynel: Yeah, I was (legally, anyway) an adult already when I showed up.
Sentynel: It's not actually been that long, though it sure feels like it has.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Sent: I have realized you've totally been stuck as that age in my mind since you joined. How old are you actually now?
Sentynel: Phan: LOL, I'm 22.
ThePhan: Sent: OK. Sorry I didn't let you age.
Sentynel: Phan: You have no idea how weird growing three years at once is.
Goosey: He's the same age as one of my sisters, so it's easy for me to remember
ThePhan: Goosey: That would work for me if I could ever remember my siblings' ages.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Well you have more siblings than I do
wintermute: Phan: They're 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25.
ThePhan: wm: LOL LOL LOL

A Hand Full of Atheists

ThePhan: Uh. It is time to hide this girl on my newsfeed. She's apparently discovered the Christians Against Obama's Re-Election Facebook page, which is fine, do whatever you want politically, but she's reposted like 45 pictures from it so far. (Including one that says "prayer was removed from school by a hand full of atheists," and the misspelling implies it was a literal hand full of atheists, which is a very entertaining image, but not entertaining enough for me to stay subscribed to her.)
Maryam: Phan: Ew.
Sentynel: There's a family of atheists living in my hand.
Sentynel: It's rather inconvenient.
ThePhan: Is it the same group of atheists who removed prayer from schools? Or do most atheists just go and live in other people's hands?
Sentynel: I don't know. I tried asking, but they won't speak to voices from above for some reason.
ThePhan: LOL
Maryam: Sent: LOL

Banana Brad

Dave: I have the stuff to make banana bread I think.
Dave: That's yummy.
Goosey: nom nom
ThePhan: Erm. *bread
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Banana Brad is one of LaZorra's study guys.
Maryam: Sounds like a guy who works at a bar at a tropical resort.
Goosey: LOL LOL


Randy: TP: What's the status on y'all moving?
ThePhan: Randy: House hunting still. We keep finding possibilities that then disappear.
Randy: Stink.
ThePhan: And even though I hope we move soon for Internet reasons, heh, I'm a little hesitant about some of the places they want because they're looking at nicer places that we can totally afford with 4 of us, but I have no idea how long I'm going to be living with them. Heh. Things could change a bunch in the next year. I could find a job elsewhere, Jacob and I could end up married (WAIT WHAT but yeah maybe)... I really don't see me staying with them long term. So... I hope we find something they can also afford on their own, because I'd hate if they had to move whenever I do decide to move out on my own.
Randy: YAY MARRIED. hehe
Dave: I'm telling Sam you're getting married. It will take him forever to work out the truth.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Even if he finds where I first said it, it'll still take him forever to read that giant block of text.
Dave: He'll search the chat logs, find that part where you mention it as a possibility, but only skim it because he's Sam. So then he'll believe me.
Randy: To confuse the issue more, we should talk about your wedding plans.
Dave: Yes, tell us all about your dress!
ThePhan: Real friends don't skim other friends' possible marriage discussions.
ThePhan: Sarah and Lisa planned my wedding all for me about a month ago, because I'm lazy and don't want to make any actual decisions. So they're planning us a Star Wars-themed ceremony and a Doctor Who-themed reception. Works for me.
Dave: Sam is Captain Skimtastic. He'll figure he has the gist if I tell him what the gist is he's supposed to get.
Dave: That's awesome!
Randy: Phan: Awesome!
Randy: I still want to be Best Bridesman or something.
ThePhan: LOL
* TalkingDog reads "Beast Bridesman".
Randy: LOL
Dave: Randy: You can do that, but you have to wear a dress.
Randy: Hmmm
ThePhan: Well, Sarah and Lisa and I were discussing the fact that between the two of us, we have a lot of girl friends and not a lot of guy friends. So we'll make them all stormtroopers so nobody can even tell if they're male or female. Problem solved.
Randy: Would a kilt be a good substitute?
ThePhan: Uh, no. I veto kilts.
ThePhan: Actual dress.
Randy: A stormtrooper in a kilt? Playing bagpipes while unicycling?
ThePhan: No unicycling. I have a lot of klutzy friends and they'll all fall over.
Sentynel: What is it with Rinkies and wanting men to wear dresses to their weddings?
Sentynel: Is it considered poor style to wear the same dress to two weddings?
Sentynel: I'm not sure I can justify buying two dresses.
Randy: Who else has said this?
ThePhan: Sent: Just match it with a different purse, and voila! Whole new outfit.
Sentynel: Phan: Oh, sweet, thanks.
Randy: Sent: Which other rinkie wants you to wear a dress at their wedding? LaZ?
Sentynel: Yup.
Randy: Are you going to?
Randy: She can probably beat you up if you don't.
Sentynel: I'll totally show up in a dress.
Sentynel: I may have to untag myself from the Facebook pictures, though.
ThePhan: No matter where you go, we will find you and tag you.
ThePhan: It's the price of friendship.
Sentynel: Badum tish.
* ThePhan apologizes. That wasn't even clever.
Randy: LOL
Dave: What flavor will your wedding cake be? This is the most important question of all.
Ticia: Wait, is Phan engaged?
ThePhan: LOL
Sentynel: SCORE
Ticia: I had to pick up my girls from yoga! No fair!
ThePhan: Ticia: I am not. We're just talking about it like I am.
Ticia: Heh, okay.
Dave: This will totally get Sam.
Dave: But, come on. Chocolate? Yellow? White? WE NEED TO KNOW
ThePhan: Hmm. Well, I'd probably vote chocolate, but I feel like yellow/white is more traditional.
Goosey: Pft, mine will be chocolate.
ThePhan: ...Not that I'm going the traditional route.
Sentynel: Phan: Because your wedding is SO traditional-
ThePhan: LOl
ThePhan: (That was me laughing loudly and then trailing off at the end because I felt embarrassed, I guess.)
Sentynel: This may surprise you, but apparently putting liquid nitrogen in your cocktails is a bad idea.
Sentynel: So, y'know, don't do that at your wedding.
Ticia: o.O
ThePhan: The inside of my cake will be liquid nitrogen.
ThePhan: I think we decided my cake was a TARDIS, though. Chocolate seems less weird with a blue cake than with a white cake.
Sentynel: How do you intend to make it bigger on the inside?
Ticia: And then you'll never run out of cake!
Goosey: Sent: Eeeek
ThePhan: Sent: A... trick cake table? I have no idea. It might have to be a nonfunctional TARDIS, sadly.
Dave: Screw that, I want a cake that's bigger on the OUTSIDE. More frosting that way.
TalkingDog: Just serve frosting.
Dave: It's frosting all the way down.
ThePhan: LOL YES
ThePhan: That would be amazing. An entire cake made of just frosting.
Sentynel: I don't think that could strictly speaking be considered a cake.
wintermute: Instead of wedding cake, we had wedding steak-and-kidney-pie.
Dave: Eww.
Dave: You can't frost that!
wintermute: Dave: You can frost anything.
Dave: Yeah, if you want to be disgusting.
Sam: Hey, wim's alive.
wintermute: Sam: Only statistically speaking.
Dave: Sam, you should briefly skim the chat log to get the gist of ThePhan's wedding.
Sam: "Dave: This will totally get Sam."
Dave: Yeah, you're totally going to get it.
Sam: I GOT IT.

Why Did I Have to Remember a Xanth Book?

ThePhan: Hey, I've been 26 for 6 minutes now! Whoo!
TalkingDog: Yay!
TalkingDog: Not as fun a number as 25. But next is 27, which is a cube!
ThePhan: Next year I will be a cute!
ThePhan: Er. A cube.
Maryam: We will be able to build Minecraft structures with you.
ThePhan: Awesome.
Maryam: Oh geez, that made me remember a Xanth book. WHY DID I HAVE TO REMEMBER A XANTH BOOK
Goosey: BAHAHA
TalkingDog: wha
ThePhan: Hehe.
Maryam: My dad had almost that whole series (up to that point) when I was a kid. Having previously read only read stuff like Baby-Sitters Club, I thought it was amazing for a long time.
ThePhan: The Baby-Sitters Club/Xanth crossover book is even more amazing.
ThePhan: (Or, well, it would have to be if there was one.)
Maryam: I would read that.
Goosey: LOL!
Randy: LOL!!